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Four Books Everyone With Graves Disease Needs To Read

There are many different resources for people who have hyperthyroidism and Graves’ Disease.  But I’m going to discuss four specific books that everyone with Graves’ Disease (or any hyperthyroid condition) should read.

Graves Disease Book #1: My Book (Natural Treatment Solutions For Hyperthyroidism & Graves’ Disease). To no surprise I’m going to be biased and first recommend my book on hyperthyroidism and Graves’ Disease.  This is especially true for anyone who is looking to use natural treatment methods to restore their health back to normal.  But even for people who aren’t looking into natural treatment methods, this book can be very eye-opening and can still help to save the thyroid gland of people who otherwise would choose to receive radioactive iodine treatment.  So this is a “must read” for anyone who doesn’t want to take antithyroid medication for a prolonged period of time, and is definitely recommended for anyone who wants to avoid thyroid surgery or radioactive iodine.  And even if you know someone with hyperthyroidism or Graves’ Disease who is skeptical about natural treatment methods, having them read this book can help to open their mind.

With that being said, this book doesn’t go into much detail about the symptoms, diagnosis, or conventional treatment methods, which is why you will find the following books to be useful:

Graves Disease Book #2: Graves’ Disease: A Practical Guide by Elaine A. Moore and Lisa Moore. This is another “must read” for anyone who has been diagnosed with Graves’ Disease.  The author gives some basic information on Graves’ Disease, talking about the diagnosis, discusses autoantibodies in great detail, etc.  She discusses both allopathic treatment methods as well as holistic treatments, and includes some case studies as well.  Although she has a separate book discussing Graves’ ophthalmopathy, she does discuss this condition in this book as well.  And while I don’t agree with everything written by the author, this is definitely a book anyone with Graves’ Disease will want to read.

Graves Disease Book #3: Living Well with Graves’ Disease and Hyperthyroidism: What Your Doctor Doesn’t Tell You…That You Need to Know by Mary J. Shomon. Most people with thyroid conditions are familiar with Mary Shomon, as she has numerous books on thyroid health.  In this book the author does a great job of discussing the signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism and Graves’ Disease, as well as the different treatment options.  While the focus is on conventional medical treatment methods, she does also speak about holistic treatment methods.  Although I don’t agree with everything she has written about, I do think everyone with hyperthyroidism or Graves’ Disease can benefit from reading this book and will find some valuable information in it.

Graves Disease Book #4: Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome by James L. Wilson. Most people with hyperthyroidism and Graves’ Disease (as well as hypothyroid conditions) have issues with their adrenal glands.  If you’ve been reading the posts and articles on my website for awhile, then you know that weak adrenal glands can lead to many health issues.  Compromised adrenal glands can cause problems with the thyroid gland, immune system, and digestive system, as well as other areas of the body.  So it is imperative for anyone who has hyperthyroidism or Graves’ Disease to do what they can to strengthen their adrenal glands.  I of course give a lot of useful information right here on my website.  But Dr. Wilson expands on this, and goes beyond addressing adrenal fatigue in his book.  It’s interesting and easy-to-read, and I highly recommend that you check it out.

So if you have hyperthyroidism or Graves’ Disease, then I highly recommend for you to read these four books (especially the first one!).  Once again, I don’t agree with everything written by these authors (with the obvious exception of book #1), but I still think you will find some great information that will help you to better understand your condition, which can also help with your recovery when following a natural treatment protocol.