- Natural Endocrine Solutions Dr. Eric Osansky, DC, IFMCP - https://www.naturalendocrinesolutions.com -

Keeping Up The Good Work AFTER Restoring Your Thyroid Health

For those who eventually follow a natural thyroid treatment protocol and have their health restored back to normal, it is important to maintain their health thereafter.  In other words, if you restore your health through natural treatment methods, and then begin eating poorly again, neglect your sleep, and go back to the same habits you had BEFORE you followed such a protocol, there is a good chance you will suffer a relapse.  Now with that being said, I don’t expect anyone to lead a PERFECT lifestyle.  But you still need to maintain a healthy lifestyle with regards to the following factors most of the time if you want to continue feeling good and being in an optimal state of health:

1. Your Eating Habits. When first beginning a natural treatment protocol, I recommend that everyone completely eliminate all refined foods from their diet, avoid gluten products, try only to eat organic meats, and drink only purified water.  Then after the first month or two, many people can begin incorporating some gluten foods again, can eat a minimal amount of bread products, etc.  But what is the “thyroid diet” one should follow after they have fully restored their health back to normal?  Well, it honestly depends on the individual, as some people might be allergic to certain types of foods, such as gluten, and therefore they shouldn’t eat any gluten-based foods even after their condition is cured.  Obviously gluten is just one example, as there are numerous other foods people can be allergic to.

On the other hand, those who aren’t sensitive to gluten can eat a minimal amount of gluten-based foods.  Heck, even drinking soda or sweet tea every now and then usually won’t cause severe problems.  The problem is that many people don’t know how to control their “urges”.  In other words, they don’t have just one or two sodas each month, but instead go back to their old habits of having multiple sodas each week, or perhaps even drinking this “liquid sugar” on a daily basis.  Obviously I’m just using soda as an example, as this can apply to any ‘bad” food.

I’ve mentioned numerous times in other posts and articles that I don’t eat a perfect diet.  I do try to eat mostly whole foods, and primarily drink purified water.  But I also eat some refined foods on an occasional basis as well.  And while it’s rare that I drink soda, occasionally I will have a sweet tea or something else other than water.  But again, this isn’t something I do on a regular basis.  In fact, I can’t remember the last time I drank anything other than water, as it’s been a few months. 

It’s not always easy to eat well, but I just realize that most of this is a “mental game”, as while I always have the opportunity to eat or drink something that’s bad for me, I realize that the few minutes of instant gratification isn’t worth it.  In other words, if I was going out to eat and had the choice of having French fries or steamed vegetables with my meal, I would probably enjoy eating the French fries more, but the vegetables are obviously better for me, and I will feel better both from a physical and mental standpoint after eating the healthier food.

Of course for people who haven’t yet followed a natural treatment protocol, this is usually more than a “mental” game.  Some people have severe sweet and carbohydrate cravings which need to be addressed.  In other words, “willpower” alone probably won’t be enough to stop eating such foods.  But once a person has restored their health and are accustomed to eating well, these cravings are more mental than physical.

2. Nutritional Supplementation.  Once you begin eating better and correct your specific nutritional deficiencies, you of course won’t need to take as many nutritional supplements as you would while following a natural thyroid treatment protocol.  However, since most people don’t eat a 100% organic diet consisting only of healthy whole foods, most people still do need to take some supplements.  At the very least most people need to take a quality multi-mineral vitamin and a fatty acid.  Most people who are iodine deficient will also need to continue supplementing with iodine, mainly because they won’t be able to get the iodine they need from their diet.

Similarly, there are other nutritional deficiencies that you might not be able to fully address through what you eat.  So for example, some of the supplements I continue to take include iodine, magnesium, liquid Vitamin D3, Vitamin E, some trace minerals, along with fatty acids.  I also take digestive enzymes as well.  This doesn’t mean that everyone needs to take these same supplements, but my point is that most people do need to continue taking some nutritional supplements even after their health has been restored back to normal.

3. Obtaining Sufficient Sleep.  I’m sure you know that even after your health has been restored back to normal that it’s important to continue getting sufficient sleep each night.  Not doing this will eventually fatigue your adrenal glands, and once again can lead to a relapse.  So regardless of your state of health, you should be getting at least seven to eight hours sleep each night, and many recommend getting more sleep than this.

4. Exercising Regularly.  While many people don’t like to exercise, there are many health benefits that come along with exercising on a regular basis.  And it’s not just about losing weight, as exercising regularly keeps your heart muscles strong, can help you have regular bowel movements (along with incorporating other factors), will reduce your stress levels, and has many other benefits.  I personally go to the local YMCA and rotate between the rowing machine and exercise bike, along with some free weights.  However, you don’t need to join a gym, as even walking 30 minutes three to five days a week is sufficient. 

5. Managing The Stress In Your Life.  Many people have a difficult time managing the stress in their life, which can be a big factor in restoring one’s health, as well as maintaining it.  Some people have a difficult time recovering from a thyroid condition simply because they can’t modify the stress response.  While nobody will be able to eliminate the stress from their life completely, most people can improve their stress handling skills, which is essential to restore someone’s health to normal.  And just like the other factors I’ve discussed thus far, continuing to manage one’s stress after restoring your health is important. 

6. Minimizing Your Exposure To Environmental Toxins.  Exposure to certain toxins over a prolonged period of time can potentially lead to the development of a thyroid condition.  So not only should you avoid these toxins while trying tor restore your health back to normal, but once your condition has been cured, it is still important to try minimizing your exposure to these toxins as much as you can.

In summary, after restoring your health back to normal through a natural thyroid treatment protocol, it is essential to continue following the factors of health I’ve mentioned above.  Doing so will help you to maintain an optimal state of health.  On the other hand, if you go back to your old habits, there is an excellent chance that over time you will develop the same problems again.