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How Important Is A Positive Attitude In Restoring Your Thyroid Health?

When I talk about how people with thyroid conditions can potentially restore their health through a natural thyroid treatment protocol, I frequently discuss how modifying certain lifestyle factors can make a huge difference in one’s recovery.  I usually focus a lot on modifying one’s eating and sleeping habits, how they handle stress, etc.  And while I do mention attitude every now and then, I don’t focus on this too much when talking about restoring one’s health.

While one can argue that eating well, getting sufficient sleep, and doing a good job of managing stress are perhaps the most important factors when it comes to restoring one’s health back to normal, you can’t overlook the importance of keeping a positive attitude.  First of all, if you have a poor attitude then it will be more difficult to make changes in other lifestyle factors. 

For example, having a negative attitude probably will affect your stress-handling skills.  As you know, it is just about impossible to eliminate the stress from your life.  So if you deal with a great amount of stress on a daily basis then the only thing you can do is to improve your stress handling skills.  And if you have a negative attitude then there is a good chance you won’t be successful in doing this.  On the other hand, having a positive attitude will greatly improve the likelihood of you doing a better job of managing the stress in your life.

This is just one example, as having a positive attitude will help you do more than manage stress.  Having a good attitude will most likely help with other lifestyle factors as well, and overall will make it much easier to follow a natural thyroid treatment protocol.  After all, if you were to take two people, one who had a good attitude and pictured themselves receiving great results while following a natural thyroid treatment protocol, and a second person who followed a natural treatment protocol but was very skeptical and negative about restoring their health back to normal, there is a better chance the person with the positive attitude would end up receiving better results. 

I’m sure there are some people who will disagree with me, and to be fair, I haven’t put together an extensive research study comparing how a person’s attitude affects their recovery when following a natural thyroid treatment protocol.  And to be frank, some people who have a negative attitude do end up receiving great results.  So I’m not suggesting that everyone who has a positive attitude will receive wonderful results and those people with a crappy attitude won’t have their health restored back to normal.

But from my experience, those people with a positive attitude will usually end up receiving better results than those with a negative attitude.  Is this just a coincidence?  Maybe so, but many people besides myself do agree that attitude does play a vital role in one’s health.  So while attitude might not be the most important factor when it comes to your thyroid health (and your overall health as well), if having a positive attitude gives you even a slightly better chance of recovering then it’s worth trying to be positive as much as you can.

If you usually have a negative attitude, you might think that there isn’t much you can do to change this.  This isn’t true, as while you probably won’t be able to instantly become positive, it is possible to change one’s attitude from negative to positive.  Doing so might take some time.  But it can be done.  My goal in this post isn’t to show you how to transform your attitude, but here are three things you can do to help change from negative to positive:

1. Associate with positive people.  The people you associate with on a regular basis can definitely affect your attitude.  Try to surround yourself with people who have a positive attitude most of the time, and there is a good chance that over time you will become more positive.

2. Read positive books.  Try to read books that talk about being positive, as well as books which have humor in them.  Anything that can make you laugh will help you to be positive.  On the other hand, you might want to avoid, or at least minimize reading newspapers and articles and posts on the internet which are negative.

3. Watch positive shows on television (or better yet, avoid watching television altogether).  You also want to try avoiding watching negative shows on television.  Once again, if you watch the news every now and then this is fine.  But if all you do is watch the news, and other shows which constantly have depressing and/or violent stories, then this will affect your attitude as well.

In summary, for those people with a thyroid condition, having a positive attitude alone won’t help you restore your health back to normal.  But along with modifying other factors, one’s attitude definitely can play a huge role in the recovery process. So if you currently have a positive attitude then that’s great.  On the other hand, if you are negative a good deal of the time then it is possible to change your attitude.