- Natural Endocrine Solutions Dr. Eric Osansky, DC, IFMCP - https://www.naturalendocrinesolutions.com -

Electronic Pollution and Thyroid Health with Lloyd Burrell

Recently I interviewed Lloyd Burrell, and we chatted about electronic pollution.  This was actually a two part episode, and so if you would prefer to listen the interviews you can access it by Clicking Here [1] and Here [2]

I am excited to introduce Lloyd Burrell, as we are going to chat about electronic pollution. I have been following Lloyd for a number of years now, as he is the creator of the EMF Health Summit and the Healing with Vibration Summit. He is the best-selling author of the book Healing with Vibration; author of The EMF Practical Guide; and the founder of ElectricSense.com, which has had four million visits since its inception in 2009. He is passionate about educating people about the dangers of man-made electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and sharing solutions and helping people reconnect with the healing forces of nature. Thank you so much for joining us, Lloyd.


Thanks so much for the invitation, Dr. Eric. It’s a real pleasure to be here.

Dr. Eric:

It’s definitely a pleasure having you. Like I said, I don’t know how many years ago I found Electric Sense and then watched your summit. I learned so much from you. As I mentioned in the opening, I am very excited to pick your brain and have you share your knowledge with my audience.

I want you to start off by telling everyone how did you get interested in EMFs and electronic pollution?


It’s not that I found EMFs; it’s more that EMFs found me. I had a reaction to my cell phone one day in 2002. I answered my cell phone, and the blue gave me an initially unpleasant sensation, which quickly turned into an unbearable sensation. People said to me, “How did you know it was your cell phone?” It was really painful. It was what I call “hot ear,” “hot head.” I have these terms for it now, which is really common. It was an intense pain, which came on very suddenly from one day to the next. Literally, within a few short days, I couldn’t use my cell phone anymore; it was just too painful.

I was running my own business at the time. Wife, you take the cell phone, and I’ll go do something else. She was very obliging and sweet. I started reacting to mycomputer, the TV, the radio in the car, even the corded telephone. It just got to nowhere to run, so nowhere to hide, that kind of thing. I joke about it when I say it got too bad that I went to my doctor. I’m not one to go to the doctor. I never had a sick day or anything like that.

It was this journey that it put me on. I learned so much out of this journey. It took me about 10 years to get my health back on track and to understand this. I can say I have pretty much understood it now. There is a lot to this. That’s really how it all started with me. It’s been an amazing journey. It was some difficult times because it seemed like there were no solutions, but there are.

One thing I want to say up front is I felt it, but what the science shows really clearly and what this led me to do was to research the science. I was not interested in researching the science. I just wanted to get on with my life. But I had to deal with this to be able to get on with my life.

What the science shows really clearly, and this is what I want to share, is that EMFs affect everybody. This cell phone radiation, which is a kind of EMF, and I can elaborate on that, these EMFs affect everybody. Whether you can feel it or not, they are impacting everybody, these man-made EMFs.

Dr. Eric:

In a way, it might be a good thing if you feel it just because you know the impact it has, where if you’re not feeling anything, it’s easy to dismiss the negative impact that EMFs have on your health.


Exactly. That’s why it was a blessing in disguise. There is no way I would have gone to all of these lengths to protect myself from these frequencies, these fields unless I’d gone through all of this pain. Unfortunately, that’s kind of how it is with a lot of people. That’s been my mission. That’s what kind of drives me about this.

I don’t just talk about EMFs. I also talk more broadly about energy and leading in good consciousness. That’s my next summit. I’m talking about the science of healing and consciousness because it’s all connected. It’s a long story, which I don’t have time to get into today.

The thing to understand is when I say EMFs, what I’m talking about is electromagnetic fields, or more precisely, man-made EMFs. What a lot of people ignore is we are actually subtle energy beings. Right at the very fundamental level, our cells are communicating via electrical charges, which are energy fields, differences in potentials, which is about energy. This cellular communication, which is so vital in our body, at a cellular level, it’s being disturbed by these man-made EMFs. Then my research more laterally is this energetic level and how we are actually composed of energy fields.

There is a top-down impact as well, which is even more insidious and more difficult to get your head around because people are thinking, well, that sounds a little bit woo woo, energy fields and all of that. No, actually, there is some hard science behind this energy field thing. Ancient civilizations, talking about this for thousands of years. They call it different names, like the aura. We have this official term recognized by the National Institute of Health called bio field. It’s this field of energy that surrounds us and is part of us and is this bridge between the mind and the body. This cell phone radiation impacts, disturbs, destroys this communication.

We are a bit of a communication system. The irony is we are using cell phones to communicate, but they are actually destroying, inhibiting internal communication, which is way more important than any cell phone conversation you might have.

Dr. Eric:

You no longer have a cell phone. You said years ago, you gave it to your wife.


I do.

Dr. Eric:

You do have a cell phone?


I went 19 years without a cell phone. This happened in 2002. I’ve had this cell phone for just over a year, simply because I’m not this person who is saying, “Down with the cell towers. Cell phones shouldn’t be allowed.” Cell phones are here to stay. It’s more about well, okay, our world revolves around this technology now. How do we use this technology safely?

I’d like to share some solutions. People are not even interested in the solutions, unless they begin to understand just how big a problem this is. It really is a big problem. That’s what the science says. There is a lot of science around this. You’ve seen my website. It’s all about the science with podcasts. I am interviewing scientists. I have interviewed 250-300 experts on this. It is overwhelming. There are decades of science behind this. We are talking about peer-reviewed science.

It is difficult for people to understand. I guarantee today might be the first time some people have ever heard somebody suggest that a cell phone might be dangerous still. Here we are in 2022, and people are still in the dark about this. How can this be?

Dr. Eric:

Can you discuss why it’s a concern? Even maybe when it comes to cell phone use, does it make a difference if you’re talking on your cell phone on speaker phone, or the type of headset that you use? I know you get into more of the solutions, and we can talk about shielding. It first maybe makes sense to explain why it’s a concern.

You mention how it made you feel bad. From what I understand, it goes far more than just symptoms. It could be a factor potentially, obviously not with everybody, but maybe with cancer or other chronic health conditions.


Listen to what the science is saying. This is exactly it, what you just mentioned, cancer. The thing to understand is these EMFs impact on many different levels. They impact primarily on the energetic level. We are multidimensional, or we exist in so many different ways, more ways than conventional medicine is really ready to accept. We are more than this physical body. That’s what I’m saying, to put it simply. It’s impacting us first at this energetic level.

Then at a physical level, the cellular level. Obviously, that’s what the majority of the science is on this. Talking about how it’s impacting notably the cell membrane. We have a very clear mechanism, which is- I don’t want to get too much into that because it’s heavy.

Dr. Martin Pall, professor emeritus at Washington State University, his work on the voltage-gated calcium channels. We have this cell membrane. This cell membrane is super important. It’s like the key part of the cell. That’s what we know now. We thought it was just the outside covering, but it’s like mission control. The EMFs impact this mission control, a particular aspect, which is this voltage-gated calcium channel, the VGCC. It’s letting the calcium in and out. It’s no big deal. But it is a big deal. There is a lot of downstream effects from that.

That’s just one bit of science. A very clear mechanism which explains how we get this imbalance in free radicals and all the damage that comes from that. The chemical cascade from that, oxidative stress and adverse biological effects. There are hundreds, maybe thousands, of biological effects. Breaking a single double strand of DNA, stem cell damage, very fundamental building block effects, like chipping away at those building blocks. Let’s explain it like that. Everything stems from that.

Symptoms, which can be varied. Very common ones are:

I experienced most of what I just cited.

I went through that as well. It upsets your neurotransmitters. It gives you chemical imbalances. We have science on that. Dr. Martin Pall is not the only one who has worked on this; there is a lot of great research on this.

Just a mish mash of neurologic, immunologic, psychologic complaints.

Then the downstream from that, the symptoms turn into possibly very serious diseases, all kinds of autoimmune conditions, cancer, cardiovascular disease, links to Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s. You name it.

It sounds like I’m pulling this from the top of my hat, but I’m not. There is hard science behind this. BioInitiative Report, a very big report that reviewed 30 years of science published in 2012 the first time. Republished subsequently multiple times.

Ever since we had electricity, Tesla was doing experiments on this with another chap. They did very rudimentary experiments, but they noted differences in perspiration, respiration, and body weight. They were experimenting with electricity also. There is so much going on here. It’s not even just this little thing.

What people need to understand is the wireless. When we say “wireless,” we are talking about radiofrequency microwave radiation. When we say wireless and Bluetooth, all that sounds sexy and great and fun. When you start talking about radiofrequency microwave radiation, then alarm bells start going off. Radiation, what you mean, like, Chernobyl? Hiroshima? Yeah, well, not exactly, but similar. That is what they call ionizing radiation.

All these devices, all of this wireless, which the industry wants us to use this term, this Bluetooth, this smart, they are all ways of not saying what it is, which is radiation. It’s not ionizing radiation. There is less energy there. The end result is basically the same. That’s the same terms of the damage done to your body, but it’s a 24/7 chipping away kind of damage rather than something which is very noticeable. That’s how they manage to get away with it. It is more subtle, but it’s a long-term thing, and we are exposed to these man-made frequencies 24/7. They are growing, growing, growing.

5G, all these different devices in our home. People living in these smart homes and proud of it. I can understand it’s a lot of fun. I love gadgets. I’m the first one to love gadgets. We need to know about the danger.

There is this wireless, this radiofrequency microwave radiation. Then even more astounding to people is that we can have dangerous EMFs from wires. How can that be? A wire? If it’s in a wire, then we’re safe, aren’t we? No, unfortunately. What’s in a wire, electrons. They do not stay in the wire. They permeate out into the room, into you. We have science behind this.

There are three kinds of EMFs involved here: magnetic fields, electric fields, and dirty electricity. This is a big subject. When your people are hearing this for the first time, they are like, whaaat.

Dr. Eric:

A bit overwhelming for some people.


It is a bit overwhelming.

Dr. Eric:

You mentioned 5G and dirty electricity. When it comes to 5G, is the big concern that you get an enhancement of the EMFs, just greater exposure?


With 5G, it’s almost been a good thing in the sense that it’s made people talk about it. I have been talking about this online since 2009, as you mentioned in my introduction. The 5G has made people talk about this.

The 5G was really a bit of a marketing exercise for the cell phone industry. They are always wanting to invent that bright, shiny, new object, so people go out and buy it and create a demand. It’s through that they are able to develop these technologies. It’s a vicious cycle they create. An ongoing demand, an ongoing supply of money for these technologies so they can develop it.

People are wanting it. It’s not putting the blame on them. The blame is with us users who keep buying into this technology, if there is blame to be put anywhere. With the 5G, they sold it as something which was so much better than the previous technology that we were going into these new frequencies and all these faster download speeds.

It’s all these generations. G just means generation. We started off with 1G. We had 3G for ages. Now, pretty much everywhere, we’re onto at least 4G. We are introducing 5G, and 6G and 7G are already in the pipeline. Probably the 8G elsewhere. That is their business model.

The 5G nearly never really quite came off as they had said because we talked about this in 2018 when I did my first summit. It was these millimeter wave frequencies. It is being rolled out, but not nearly at the speed that they wanted. It requires a lot of capital investment. 5G is the satellites in space, which is happening, over 100,000. 5G is these millimeter wave frequencies in some parts of the world, not everywhere.

Millimeter waves are short wave lengths. Why are we doing that? All of the other frequency bands are saturated. There is so much going on that they are going off the electromagnetic spectrum, which is just how we understand it. All life is on the electromagnetic spectrum because all life is electromagnetic. All living things. In fact, pretty much everything has a vibration. Even a rock. Even a chair. All living things on this spectrum.

The existing cell phone frequencies are saturated. Let’s give them some more frequencies. They are always needing money. Let’s sell off more frequency bands. They are selling off these higher frequency bands. 20, 40, 60 and higher gigahertz. That’s where the 5G is going. It depends where you live in the world as to what frequency they are using exactly.

The concern for me anyway which I don’t believe are necessarily founded, but the real concern is it’s a novel layer of man-made EMFs, which we have already got decades of peer-reviewed research, which is clearly linking these exposures to many, many symptoms, adverse biological effects, and a long list of serious diseases, including cancer, autoimmunity. I know a lot of your audience is interested in that.

There is science on how these frequencies impact the thyroid gland. I can share that very briefly if we have a moment.

Dr. Eric:

Yeah, let’s do it.


We have three bits of science here very quickly. This is out of my book. It was easy for me to find. I have a 2016 Israeli study that collected human thyroid cells from healthy patients and then subjected them to this cell phone radiation. They found clear evidence of changes in thyroid cells. The study’s authors noted that the rise in thyroid cancer cases in Israel over a decade correlated with the rise in the use of cell phones. Correlation does not mean causation. I know.

Secondly, we have a study from the Hardell Research team. These guys are really good. It’s a Swedish research team who have been working on this for decades. It’s really high-quality research. In Sweden, that’s where the birth of the cell phone is. That’s where it all started. There is a reason they have been doing the research. There are some nasty things happening with regard to cell phones in Sweden before elsewhere in the world. Hardell found that in recent years, there has been a substantial increase in patients diagnosed with thyroid cancer in Sweden as well as in other Nordic countries. They concluded that this increase coincides with the growing use of smart phones.

Thirdly, we have this 2019 Iranian study. They reviewed 161 research papers. This is not just one paper. They reviewed a ton of studies. They found that cell phone radiation affects the thyroid gland follicles and the volume of cells in the gland. I don’t think I need to explain anatomy to people. People know where the thyroid gland is.

Just look at me here. I never use a cell phone like this. Never, ever. I did at one time, but never anymore. Here, look where your thyroid gland is and how far away they are. This is not a particularly big cell phone. This whole device is emitting radiofrequency microwave radiation, and it’s also emitting magnetic fields. It has a battery in it. It has a small magnetic field. That is a problem. This proximity to all of these very vital organs and glands.

Dr. Eric:

Definitely a good reason not to hold the cell phone to your head at all. Obviously, the more frequent exposure, the greater the risk. If someone is doing it on an everyday basis, holding their phone close to their head for an hour or two or longer, increased risk.

Maybe I’m not doing the right thing. When I speak, I’m usually on either speaker phone, or I’m using a headset. I know there are different types of earbuds. I don’t use the wireless earbuds. I know there are also different types. The tube type.

You do use a cell phone. How do you talk when you’re on a cell phone? Do you use speaker phone or earbuds?


My primary means of communication is my landline, which I’ve taken off the hook. You can see perhaps on my desk here. That’s it. It’s not my cell phone. My cell phone is to go on my online banking and things like that. I have this job where I’m in this little office a lot. It’s quite easy for me. I created this. It’s not by accident. Because of what happened to me. I know a lot of people who need to use a cell phone more than I do.

I’m not using it like this, never ever. The reason is the way that these man-made EMFs, this radiofrequency microwave radiation propagates in space, a very small increase in distance between you and the source of the radiation exponentially reduces your exposure.

I’ll put that into plain English. That means distance is your friend. Because of this exponential, and people are a bit mathematical, they know what that means, it’s non-linear, it’s this very small distance between you and the device. In this case, a cell phone. Literally, a few millimeters can reduce your exposure thousands of times. A few millimeters. If we are like, here, holding it, arm’s distance away, it’s significantly less. That’s what I recommend: holding it as far away from this really vital part of our body, which is why we’ve got this skull and everything protected in that skull. As far away from my body as possible.

I recommend text, don’t talk. I’m not saying texting is safe. If you do want to talk, then I recommend the speaker phone, as you mentioned.

Or if you want to keep your conversation private, I recommend using an air tube headset. That looks like a regular wired headset, but it’s got a big air tube, a bit of tubing with no wire in it. That makes it much safer because otherwise, that wire acts like a kind of antenna, and it can bring in ambient radiation in the environment, whatever environment you happen to be in, directly into your brain. That’s why we don’t want to be using a regular headset.

Those are a few tips. There are others, like a really basic one. If you look at my phone here, you can see it’s on airplane mode. When we’re on airplane mode, then that is a way of disconnecting all wireless connectivity. We need to make sure that we have deactivated the cellular, the Bluetooth, and the WiFi. That is not always the case on all of these phones.

That is why I recommend at some point that you go a step further. I have my book of tricks here. I recommend getting something like this, which is an EMF meter, which can tell you if this device is switched on or not. I can give you a little demonstration if you’d like.

Dr. Eric:

I actually have one of the older ones, a Cornet. It’s probably time to upgrade.


I just switched it on. You can hear it. That’s connecting, and it’s making a noise like a counter. It’s giving some figures on there. That is the only surefire way of knowing if you are on airplane mode. That is the only way to carry a cell phone on your person, is on airplane mode. Otherwise, it’s just ping, ping, pinging to its heart’s content, exchanging data with the nearest cell tower.

If you’re in a moving vehicle or in a building with thick walls or underground car park, things like that, it’s really having a hard time maintaining that connection. What I really mean is it’s emitting significant amounts of radiofrequency microwave radiation. I keep repeating this. When I say “significant,” these devices are amazing. We are talking between, the lowest power setting, a million times less than at full power. That’s how smart they are. It does all this itself without you knowing it.

Those are some tips. The other thing to do is look to make sure that you have all those little bars at the top when you switch the thing on. If you don’t have the full bars, that’s where you’re getting these million times more exposure than if you just got the one bar. If you have the one bar, then you don’t want to be using it, even at arm’s length. Only in emergencies. Make sure you have the full bars.

Avoid using it in a car. It’s like a sealed metal enclosure. Not good. You have to work really hard. That’s the one thing that can protect you from all this.

Those are some cell phone tips.

I’m not sure if shielding is effective, but even if it is, is it unnecessary if you have it in airplane mode?

Lloyd Burrell:

If you have it in airplane mode, well, it depends what you’re shielding from. There is no point in having a cell phone and then shielding and then going into the shield. You will trap it in. It is going to want to communicate out, and it will trap that radiation in. Like a microwave oven, it will cook you, not a lot. You will be exposed to that. You have people who are creating Faraday cages to sleep in. There is a whole misunderstanding about Faraday cages. I am not a big one for that level of shielding.

My approach, you can’t outsmart Mother Nature. As I said at the beginning, we are electromagnetic beings on an electromagnetic planet in an electromagnetic universe. Why do you want to go into a Faraday cage from the cell phone towers, the neighbor’s WiFi? You will shield yourself from all the other beneficial, necessary frequencies. That is a mistake. That’s why shielding is always a last resort. I can share some other tips with you about things we can do to reduce our exposures.

With this thing, so much of it is in our control. It requires a little bit of effort, but the thing is, you won’t make the effort unless you begin to understand, yeah, maybe, could be that which is giving me this brain fog, which is not making me sleep so well, which has made me put on all this weight recently, which is whatever symptom. There is no bodily system, no bodily organ that goes unscathed from these man-made electromagnetic fields.

Dr. Eric:

I agree with you about the Faraday cage. There are some people who might wonder, should I get shielding for my router, or if they have a smart meter, and they have problems getting it turned off or taken out? Should I get a shield over my smart meter? Will those things be helpful at all?


Right. I get those kinds of questions all the time. There is a way to deal with this which is very simple. I don’t pretend to be an expert on this. What I am really an expert on is my own journey dealing with this. I have learned a few things about energy and stuff like that. I’m not an EMF consultant. I have written several books around this topic. I let people decide, here is what I have to say. I am not looking to be called an expert.

There is a way of going about this. You shouldn’t just listen to anybody, “You have a smart meter, so you need to do this.” What you do need to do is the following, and I call this the UMM, like how the Buddhists say. My UMM.

The U is Understanding. Unless you begin to understand a little bit about this, and by the way, this is way worse for kids. Children are more vulnerable. Understand this.

The first thing is to understand what this guy with this weird accent from England who is in France is talking about here. Is he making any sense? “I don’t believe it.” Ok, don’t believe me. Go do your own research. Environmental Health Trust has a great website. They have some great resources on this. My website Electric Sense, a lot of science on there. Go do your own research. Try to understand this thing.

I have thrown out a few technical terms. I keep going on about this radiofrequency microwave radiation. That is one kind of EMF. I have mentioned magnetic fields. That’s another kind. I have mentioned electric fields. That’s another kind. I have mentioned dirty electricity without explaining what it is. It’s understanding what all of that is. Rome wasn’t built in a day. There is a slight learning curve here.

Once we understand, the next thing to do is Measure. If you don’t measure, why would you go and do what Lloyd tells you to do or what any other EMF expert tells you to do? Only listen to an EMF expert if you talk measurements. Only take action if you have taken measurements. You know about this, Dr. Eric, because you have the meter. It’s the meter which enables you to get the information, which enables you to understand your exposures.

Once we have understood the exposures, then the third M is to Mitigate, to deal with that. There are three ways we can mitigate. We can turn the darn thing off. Cell phone, airplane mode, for instance.

The other way to mitigate is to increase the distance. Distance is your friend. Really simple.

The third way is to shield. The shielding is the last resort. That’s where people get topsy turvy. “Oh my god, I have this smart meter. I didn’t even know. They didn’t even ask me. I have this smart meter. Now I have these symptoms. Then I went online. It said it was this and this, and it could do this, and it could give me cancer. What do I do? How do I shield that?” Whoa. One step back. Take a deep breath.

What kind of EMF is it? A smart meter is a smart meter. There are some smart meters that give off cell phone type radiation. There are others that are giving off dirty electricity. Dirty electricity is a kind of pollution on our electrical wiring. What’s on the wires does not stay on the wires unfortunately. We have links to cancer notably and all kinds of symptoms around this. It’s understanding what it’s doing.

Getting measurements with this meter. This meter won’t measure the dirty electricity; you need a different kind of meter for that. You want a dirty electricity meter to measure below 50; otherwise, you take action. Smart meters can cause that kind of electrical pollution, or they can cause radiofrequency electrical pollution. That’s why you need to know. Otherwise, you’re wasting money shielding, and it’s not even shielding to any effect. You may as well just throw your dollars in the bin.

Having this little UMM protocol is having a method and being methodical. That is the way to go with whatever it is you’re dealing with, whether it’s the WiFi or the cell phone or a smart meter. I can guarantee pretty much everybody listening to this, unless they have gone through and measured with a meter like this, they have got man-made EMF exposures in their home which are impacting their health.

Let’s put it like that. It’s the impact over time. There is no such thing as safe and not safe. We don’t know what’s safe now. I don’t know. I have been talking about this and studying this for 20 years. I am not the person who knows the most. I know a fair bit. Anybody who says they have .0003 microwatts per square meter is perfectly safe, they don’t know. We are trying to get as low as possible. We know what’s dangerous. That’s the thing. We are trying to minimize our exposures. That might sound a bit vague, but it’s the truth. There is no safe because we are electromagnetic beings. Our cells are being impacted. Our energy systems are being impacted.

This is a softly over time adverse effect. It’s working hand in hand with all the other toxins. You know the toxic barrel? It’s feeding into that. Not only is it feeding into it, but it’s got this synergistic effect. It’s not 2 + 2 = 4 with EMFs. It’s the EMFs and the pollution in the air, the pesticides in the food we’re eating, the chemicals in the soaps and shampoos that we’re putting on our skin. n It’s not EMFs are the problem in and of themselves, it’s the EMFs and everything else. It’s this synergistic effect, which is just boom.

You’re okay, you’re okay, you’re okay. One day, you’re not okay. The problem is you don’t even know why you’re not okay. You go to see your doctor, and he’s never even heard of EMFs. He might have read a study on it maybe. There’s been another study out there put out by the cell phone industry saying it’s all safe. There is a lot going on here in the background to keep people in the dark.

Dr. Eric:

I agree that it’s not just about the EMFs. We live in a toxic world. We want to do things to reduce our toxic load overall. We live in a very stressful world, so we want to do things to improve our stress handling skills. Eat whole, healthy foods.

That being said, getting back to reducing exposure, how great of an impact does it have to unplug devices at night, like the WiFi? Would you say those are worth doing?


110%. I know some people are in short term accommodation, renting a property for a few months. I have dealt with this sort of situation. “I can’t shield and all of that because it’s not my home.” “I’m sharing with somebody else.” There are so many excuses that people can find for not dealing with this. But there are so many ways to deal with this. I agree, if it’s not your own place, it’s a bit harder. It does take a bit of effort. All this is hard-wired. There are wires allover the place here. It’s a choice. All of this is a choice. You’re not going to make the choice for the wires and the effort it takes to do whatever to make your home safer if you don’t understand just how bad this thing is.

With regard to unplugging the WiFi at night, of course, it’s a yes. Who needs WiFi when they are sleeping? How can you be on your computer when you’re asleep in bed? If you do wake up, you should not have that cell phone in your bedroom. Your cell phone should be as far away as possible on airplane mode when you go to bed, people. “Then I won’t know what time it is.” Yes, you can know what time it is. There are things called watches and clocks and battery-operated things, which do not emit radiofrequency microwave radiation.

Nighttime is when your cells regenerate, rejuvenate. We have all these hormonal reactions. Melatonin is a very important hormone viewed by many to be the master hormone, which has got all of these properties and antioxidants and protection from cancer. You can’t get enough of this stuff. We know the science tells us that radiofrequency microwave radiation, and other kinds of exposures, too, at night inhibit our ability to produce melatonin. That is only one bit of the puzzle.

It’s exposing yourself to the WiFi when you can just unplug it. I do tell people to unplug it. Don’t be clever and think you can go in the settings and automate it because as soon as there is a system upgrade, it will switch back on. Unless you have one of these meters, you won’t even know if you have really switched it off because most WiFis have a public signal and a private one. When you switch off the private one, it’s still emitting a public signal that is a radiofrequency microwave radiation.

The other thing people are thinking, “Well, what’s the point? My neighbor has WiFi. What difference does it make?” It makes a difference. Why? Distance is your friend. It’s these exposures which are in close proximity. What’s outside your home, go speak to your neighbor. But deal with what’s inside your home. There are so many things you can and should do to reduce your exposure, notably in your bedroom. That is the most important place to focus on. That is where you get the biggest bang for your buck in terms of protecting your health, these nighttime exposures.

Dr. Eric:

Before we wrap things up, can I get your thoughts on earthing?


Direct physical contact with the physical earth, the most obvious way to do this is take your shoes and socks off, and get out there in your garden, if you have one, or in a green space. If you are fortunate enough to live on the coast, the beach for instance. This skin contact with the earth enables these negatively charged electrons. Funnily enough, the earth, just like our cells, on the outer surface has these negatively charged electrons. These are tremendously beneficial.

The simplest way of explaining this is it has a normalizing effect. That almost downplays it because it sounds normal; it’s nothing special. But it is tremendously special. To get normal is not something you can get out of a pill. A pill will correct this, but it will have a secondary effect here. Earthing doesn’t do that. It’s Mother Nature’s medicine. It’s this connection. It’s absorbing these negatively charged electrons, and it’s discharging these positively charged AC (alternating con) electrons. It all has this normalizing effect. It’s a detox quite simply. That’s another way of thinking about it.

There is not science on everything I talk about. Most of it, there is. There is some really good science on this, 20+ peer-reviewed studies. Not thousands, but 20+. Why is there not more? Someone has to pay for these studies. That’s the problem with all of these studies. Same to show these detrimental effects of magnetic fields and cell phone radiation. Who is paying for it? The cell phone industry is very happy to pay for studies that show that there are no effects. That’s really so easy. They have shown how they could influence the science to show that it’s safe.

What’s incredible is that your autonomic nervous system relaxes almost immediately, 1-2 seconds. Almost immediately. You tell me a pill you can swallow where you get relief in 1-2 seconds. Acute inflammation is improved in 20-30 minutes. Improved sleep, accelerated healing of injuries, increased heart rate variability (an important indicator of health), reduced clumping of red blood cells. Another thing which the science tells us, these exposures cause what’s called a ruler effect. They cause our red blood cells to clump. The clumping means blood is less good at oxygen transportation, and it’s bad news. This reduces that clumping. The earthing is win-win.

The only controversial bit of this really is earthing indoors, which is another way. There are companies that do this. The controversial side is where we do this. Is there a net benefit?

Dr. Eric:

What would be your response? I assume there is no studies on indoor earthing.


Here’s my recommendation. 100% earthing outdoors. Everybody doesn’t agree with this. We have building biologists who say, “That’s dangerous. In North America, you shouldn’t go barefoot.” I say listen to your body. Listen to me, and make your own decision. I say, don’t listen to me or Dr. Eric or any guy in a white coat. Listen, but then make your own decision. Listening to your own body is most important. You try it for seven days outdoors, and see how it works.

Indoors, same thing. If you can’t prioritize earthing Mother’s Nature way. Go swim in the sea. That is the most powerful way to earth. Wet, moisture conducts, water conducts superior conductivity, faster effect. Like I said, it’s almost instantaneous, some of these effects. Multiple times a day, getting out there for not long, a few minutes.

Don’t take your cell phone and multi-task. Get out there, listen to the birds. All of that is Mother Nature’s frequencies. It’s tremendously healing. Listen to nature. If you are fortunate enough to be able to go in a park or have a garden where you can hear the birds, oftentimes, it’s a choice. You don’t even think about listening to the birds unless somebody says, “Can you hear those birds?” We are too busy doing I don’t know what to listen to birds.

That’s the first priority with regard to earthing. Beyond that, if you live on the 42nd floor, then you’re looking for other solutions. There are other solutions. That is earthing via your electrical system. That is a little bit more technical. There are some downsides because you can be connecting to dirty electricity, electric fields, and so on. You need to spend a bit more time understanding this and how to protect yourself. We even have devices now, like the NCB, for protecting from this ground current, which is pretty much everywhere, certainly in North America, when you’re using earthing. There are lots of solutions.

Start with the simple ones. It’s the UMM. People have said “Umm” until this moment here. This is a big topic. It deserves a little bit of time, reflection, and then taking action.

Dr. Eric:

Well said. You brought up an excellent point. If you go outside and do earthing, or even just go outside and get some sun, leave the cell phone behind while doing that. Get the benefits of the sun exposure. Get the benefits of the earthing. Like you said, listening to nature. You don’t need to be on your cell phone for even 5-10 minutes. If it’s 20-30 minutes, leave the cell phone behind.


Absolutely. There are so many benefits to consciously engaging with nature. You could just go out there and have your cell phone, and you would get some benefit from the earthing. You would get some benefit from the exposure to natural light, even if it’s not sunny. The sun is still there. It’s coming through the clouds. We are still getting the UV benefits from natural light, which by the way is an EMF which we need. It’s much better for us than all of this artificial lighting, which are these frequencies. It’s such a big subject, CFLs, LEDs. The science behind all of this. If there is anything else you want me to share, then I am happy to with the time we have left.

Dr. Eric:

That’s up to you. I know we’re already over. Like you said, there are so many different things. One other question, since you brought it up, is the blue light. What could people do indoors to minimize their exposure to the blue light? Should they go out and get incandescent lights? On the computer, there is f.lux.


Blue light is great. The sun is the most potent form of blue light. It fits in with our Circadian rhythm. It’s part of our biology. We have evolved around this day/night cycle. You get up in the morning, and then we are getting the blue light. There is less blue light as the day goes on. That’s what we need. We are designed to synchronize to that. What we do is we watch TV, go surfing on the internet on our computers, look at our amazing cell phone at all hours. Then we go to bed, and we can’t sleep. We know you can’t sleep because you’re programmed to be awake with this blue light stimulating you.

Blue light at night is the problem. We want to avoid blue light at night. We want to avoid screens. You can’t even see this blue light, but it’s there. All of these screens have it. We have free software called f.lux, which you can use to make your screen automatically dimmer. The Macs have this software. They do dim. You can go a step further and wear blue light blocking glasses. That is highly recommended. But you may not want to be walking around in your own home with glasses on.

Then it’s making intelligent, informed choices about what kind of lighting you have in your home. If you have an LED or CFL or regular fluorescent in your garage or utility room, that’s one thing. But having that in your bedroom, that’s the last light you see at night. That is not good news. You might sleep fine. There will be other symptoms though. It’s not like you have this blue light; therefore, you get cancer the next week. Doesn’t work like that. It’s a cumulative effect.

That’s the other thing. The studies show, and I said this at the beginning, is these EMFs are impacting everybody. You can’t feel them, so it doesn’t mean they’re not impacting you. They show these exposures are cumulative. If you’re okay today, it doesn’t mean you will be okay tomorrow. Therefore, now is the time to take action and start softly taking steps to minimize your exposures.

Dr. Eric:

You mentioned the shield. They could get the tri-field EMF meter.


I’m not saying this is the best meter. Cards on the table, I work with a company called Less EMF. They have loads of stuff. I have a little shop, a selection of things which I recommend. You can get that from my website. When you buy from me, you buy from them. It’s shipped from the U.S., and I earn a small commission from what you buy from that shop.

Tri-Field, TF2, I’m not saying it’s the best one. But it’s a really good compromise because it can measure these three types, Mag (magnetic), Elec (electric), and RF (radiofrequency microwave radiation). It costs under $200. It’s a great investment. You can use this for years. You can lend it to your kids, your neighbors. It’s fun. Honestly, you will be shocked, not just surprised, by what you find.

Dr. Eric:

The air tube, they could also get those on your site.


Another website I like to recommend is ShieldYourBody.com. He is really good. It’s Martin Blank, who was one of the pioneers in this field. They create their own products. Everything is their own. They have some really good, different ways, not just the air tube headset, but they have a way of converting a regular headset to an air tube headset also, which is very inexpensive.

Most of this stuff is not big bucks. It’s just a bit of effort. Then you have to invest in a meter. I have this little dinky thing here that is not a meter because it’s not giving us a reading. It gives a flashing light when we are in the vicinity. This is smaller than a cigarette pack. I don’t have big hands, but it’s tiny. I believe it measures up to 10gh, if not 20. There are constantly solutions coming out for this. There are a lot of good people working in this field.

Dr. Eric:

Thank you for sharing all of your knowledge, Lloyd, with regards to EMFs. Appreciate your website, ElectricSense.com. Your book Healing with Vibration, too. Can you briefly talk about the upcoming summit?


The Science of Healing and Consciousness is a free event, January 16-22, 2023. What’s that got to do with EMFs? Everything. Consciousness is an EMF. It’s an electromagnetic energy. Ultimately, that’s what we are. Consciousness, we all stem from it. It’s a big subject. If you’re that person who has had struggles, health troubles, challenges in your life, and you are feeling a bit lost in this world, it’s getting a bit crazy, isn’t it? There is a lot of nonsense out there. You switch on the TV, and it doesn’t make sense anymore. It’s making sense of all of this, and it’s connecting with what’s important.

This is where all of this has led me. It just became very clear to me, my journey. I was fortunate. I had this reaction. I realized I was sensitive to EMFs, and then energy. We are energetic beings. Therefore, consciousness is what is behind all of this. If we can learn to work with consciousness, then this is the key to the door.

Dr. Eric:

Excited to tune into that in January. Thank you so much for taking the time, going over time, to dive into blue light. I learned a lot, and I’m sure everyone else did as well.


Thank you so much for the invitation. I enjoyed it.