- Natural Endocrine Solutions Dr. Eric Osansky, DC, IFMCP - https://www.naturalendocrinesolutions.com -

Castor Oil Packs and Thyroid Health with Carrie Vitt

Recently I interviewed Carrie Vitt, and we chatted about how castor oil packs can benefit people with both hyperthyroidism and Hashimoto’s. If you would prefer to listen the interview you can access it by Clicking Here [1].

I am excited to have Carrie Vitt with me today to talk about castor oil packs. This is a topic that has not yet been discussed on the podcast, so I am going to go ahead and give Carrie’s short but sweet bio. Carrie is a functional nutritional therapist at Our Well House. She is the publisher of the health and wellness site Deliciously Organic. Carrie specializes in teaching about how to use nutrition, detox therapies, and live cell changes for those with thyroid disease and autoimmunity. Thank you so much for joining us, Carrie.

Carrie Vitt:

Thanks for having me. I’m happy to be here.

Dr. Eric:

I meant what I said. Obviously, I am excited when I speak with anybody, but I don’t know if there is anybody who has been more excited to talk about castor oil packs. I have been looking for an expert for a while. We met years ago at Dr. Izabella Wentz’s Thyroid Mastermind, I think it was in 2015. I don’t think we chatted about castor oil packs then, but I’ve been following you. I’m glad you agreed to this.



Dr. Eric:

Why don’t you start out with your backstory? How you got into what you’re doing with the castor oil packs, but also just helping people with thyroid and autoimmune thyroid conditions.


I got started in this whole world, I guess you could say, about 20 years ago. I had chronic migraines and IBS and eczema and discovered it was through my food. Pretty soon after that, I started my site, Deliciously Organic.

Then years later, I had an amalgam filling removed. Amalgam is about 50% mercury. I didn’t know at the time I needed to go to someone who was properly trained. It was a very long appointment. As soon as I sat up from the chair, I knew I was sick. I actually told the dentist, “Something’s wrong with me. I don’t feel well.”

Over the course of a couple months, my health took a nosedive. I became allergic to literally every single food. There was not a food I could eat that I didn’t react to. I was reactive to tap water, perfumes. I couldn’t do anything. I had 24/7 hives on my neck and all over my face. I was very miserable. I couldn’t sleep. My hair was falling out. Depression. You name it.

My doctor wasn’t taking me seriously. I knew something was wrong with me, and they just kept saying, “You have dry skin. Go home.” It took me nine months to find a doctor who would run just literally basic labs on me.

I also went to an allergist because I was reacting to everything. Of course, I must have allergies. Everything came back negative. She actually said, “You know what? I’ve heard of people with Hashimoto’s that get hives. Let’s test for that.” Lo and behold, I have Hashimoto’s.

They offered me thyroid medication, and I was already coming from the perspective that food and lifestyle changes and all that can heal and change the body. I asked the doctor, “How is this going to heal my thyroid?” He was like, “Yeah, no, that’s not how it works. Your thyroid is going to stop working. You’ll be on meds for the rest of your life.”

I said no thank you and started working with a holistic nutritionist who helped me with a nutrient dense diet. I used a lot of castor oil packs and some other detox and drainage therapies. Whole food supplements, which we changed according to my labs and symptoms.

One of my biggest root causes, because we always know there are multiple when we have autoimmunity, was the heavy metals. My liver had gotten overloaded. It took me a while, but fortunately I was able to get the disease into remission. I still don’t take any medications, which I’m very thankful for.

It gave me a passion to start helping other people that are in the same situation. When I went through all this, I didn’t know that millions of people have thyroid disease. When I came out on the other end, I went back and got my certification and actually joined the practice that my nutritionist owned. I mentored under her for many years. She unfortunately passed away a few years ago. Now, I continue to work on sharing and teaching other people all the things that honestly she taught me. I feel like 95% of what I know is what she taught me through working with her and her mentorship.

It’s really fun to help people now that have thyroid issues. Even if it’s giving them little steps that they can take to feel a little bit better.

Dr. Eric:

Thanks for sharing that. Great that you’re not on any thyroid hormone replacement. You have never been on it?


I never took it. I look back at my labs, and I’m like, “Wow.” I was kind of a mess. Deep down, I knew this was not what I wanted to do. I know that’s not for everybody. I think thyroid hormone replacement can be very helpful. It just wasn’t for me. We were able to get my thyroid working again, the conversion going again. So far, I have never needed it.

Dr. Eric:

Awesome. It does depend on the person. If someone listening to this is taking thyroid hormone replacement, it might be something you need to take. Unfortunately, probably just about all medical doctors, once they see that elevated TSH, even without testing anything else, some of them don’t even test the antibodies, but they will put someone on thyroid hormone, and that’s it. You need to take it and stay on it. Great that you have avoided it.

Before we dive into the castor oil packs, can you talk a little bit about the lymphatic system and why it’s important?


The lymphatic system runs all throughout the body. It’s super interesting that from the neck up, there is over 300 different lymph nodes. There is a lot in the neck around the thyroid and above the neck. Basically, it helps get rid of waste, if we are going to put it super simple.

It doesn’t have a pump. It’s very important that we move our body so that it can pump, and things can move through. A lot of the lymphatic system also goes through the liver. It’s important to keep it moving, if we are just going to keep it really basic and simple so people can understand. But it’s really important to have that movement. If you don’t, then the system can get congested, and we can start to see, especially in the thyroid, nodules and swelling and things like that.

Dr. Eric:

That is perhaps the main way that castor oil packs can benefit people, by helping to support that lymphatic system.



Dr. Eric:

How about nodules? If you could talk a bit about your experience, either your personal experience, because you did say you used castor oil packs when you were dealing with Hashimoto’s. I know it’s not just the thyroid. Did you just use it on your thyroid? Do you recommend it for people with nodules? Is it just for people with Hashimoto’s, or can people with Graves’ also use them?


It can be used for a lot of different things. You have a piece of cotton flannel, and you put some castor oil on it, and you put it on you. We can talk about the details of that if we want. When we do that, it soaks into the skin. Studies have shown that it actually helps raise your lymphocyte count. These are the white blood cells, the soldier cells that get things done. They can raise them for up to seven hours, which is cool. I really love using them for myself and did use them for myself.

For my clients, doing a castor oil pack at the end of the day because it will raise those lymphocyte levels. You take that pack off and go to sleep. When you are sleeping, your body does all sorts of work, like rest and repair and detox and healing and restoring. You have those lymphocyte levels up. It is like hitting a boost button on your system to help the system heal and get the things done that it needs to do.

I always advise people using it over the liver first. It’s very important to start doing that first before you start using it on other parts of the body. If you immediately start using them over the thyroid, in my experience, and in practitioners’ experience I have studied under and talked to, it can cause a negative reaction, like a rash or itching or raised bumps. It’s a really good idea to do them over the liver about three times a week for a month. Then you can start doing them over different parts of the body.

They can be used for thyroid cysts and nodules, for your liver. They are also great for ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, constipation, inflamed joints. Obviously, lymphatic drainage. Headaches, migraines, or conditions where you have poor elimination in the body. You can kind of use them anywhere. If you sprain your ankle, you can use it on your ankle. If you have ovarian cysts, you can use it on the lower abdominal area.

You asked about how to use them with the thyroid. I found that it helps slowly and very gently drain the tissues. If there are things in there that need to come out, if we are going to keep it real simple, then it helps with that. I recommend you do one over your liver for a few weeks and then try and do it over your thyroid. You can do that for about 15 minutes and then follow it up with one over your liver.

If you have Hashi’s, you can use them. Hypothyroid. When it comes to Graves’ and hyper, you just want to be careful using it over your thyroid, especially if you have elevated T4 because if you do that over the thyroid, it could cause the tissues to just be too active. You could have a negative reaction. You just want to go very slow.

Of course, it also helps to know, even if you have been diagnosed hyper or with Graves’, what are your thyroid hormones up to? I’m sure you’ve worked with clients who have Graves’ who have antibodies, but they don’t have elevated thyroid hormone. It’s always good to know that and gauge and go very slowly.

Dr. Eric:

That’s good to know. If someone has overt hyperthyroidism, like if their T4 is specifically elevated, they probably want to stay away from putting castor oil packs on the thyroid, but they can still put it on other parts of the body, like the liver three times a week, and continuously do that until the thyroid hormone levels normalize, or at least the T4 normalizes.


Yeah. You can use that and just go slow. If you have been diagnosed with hyper or Graves’, just five minutes, and see how you do. Slow is the name of the game when it comes to all of this stuff.

Dr. Eric:

I agree. In a lot of things, you want to take it slow. When you start putting it on the thyroid, maybe start with five minutes. Would you want to build up? With the liver, is it the same thing? Eventually do three times a week for the thyroid as well?  


Eventually, you’d want to do I’d say about 15 minutes over the thyroid. You can work up to doing that every day. I would say go super, super slow. But you can do that three times a week just for 15 minutes. Always do it for 15 minutes, then follow with a pack over the liver. That’s the same for if you’re doing it anywhere else on the body. Castor oil packs are also great for cysts in the breast tissue. Let’s say you do it over the breast tissue for 15 minutes. Follow it up with the liver. Always follow up with the liver afterwards.

Dr. Eric:

For another 15 minutes?


45 minutes. 15 minutes over the other part of the body, and 45 over the liver.

Dr. Eric:

How about larger goiters? Have you noticed it helping in some situations, if the person is not hyperthyroid, but for whatever other reason, they have a large goiter? Have you noticed it shrink a goiter?


For goiters, cysts, and nodules, I have seen it help all three. I always combine that though with iodine supplementation. I am in the camp and was trained, because I know that’s a controversial topic. Of course, we can’t make thyroid hormone without iodine. But also, that iodine supplementation, especially with goiter, because a lot of goiter is rooted in iodine deficiency, that can really help to bring down the inflammation when you use iodine supplementation along with castor oil packs. I have seen it happen in my practice, and even members of my thyroid course have let me know, “My doctor let me know my cysts have shrunk, or they are gone. My nodules have shrunk, or they are gone.” Do you want me to talk about iodine for a second?

Dr. Eric:

I didn’t know we were going to bring this up, but I love talking about iodine. I don’t know if you use Ioderal. What do you recommend or use?


I always go very slowly. Slow is the name of the game, again. I usually start with Prolamine Iodine from Standard Process.

Dr. Eric:

Very familiar.


Sometimes, I’ll have them do half a tablet. A lot of times, we will start with one and slowly start working up. The way I was trained, and the way I have seen it play out with clients in my practice that I have worked with, is you have to make sure that T4 is not elevated. If T4 is up, let’s not supplement with iodine right now because that could cause that to go up. If that’s not elevated, then usually iodine supplementation can be used. I have found even for those with Graves’, a lot of times, they are iodine deficient.

We often think iodine is needed for the thyroid, but we need it for so many other tissues in the body. Sometimes, when people supplement with iodine, they might have a negative reaction. There can be different reasons for that. Maybe they just don’t need it because we don’t all need these different kinds of supplementation. Or their T4 could be up. The third reason is liver congestion. It’s causing the thyroid tissues to detoxify too fast, and it’s causing a negative effect.

If I see someone that has a negative reaction, I have never seen it in the years I have been working one-on-one with clients. You can work on the liver for a bit longer and then go back and start supplementing with iodine.

I wish I had a number. Dozens and dozens and dozens of clients I have worked with with Hashimoto’s, I supplement them with not mega doses by any means. Maybe we’re at 1mg or something like that. But we supplement with that. Of course, doing nutrient dense diet, detox, all those things, and their antibodies come down. I have never seen it add fuel to the fire, ever, when I do it in the way that I was trained. There are things you want to watch out for. I’m a big fan of it. It has antiviral properties to it. It’s really important. I think that’s one of the things in the thyroid community that we have missed.

Dr. Eric:

I’m definitely not anti-iodine. I will say I am cautious as far as taking really large doses. I have had a good experience with iodine in the past. I am very familiar with Prolamine Iodine from Standard Process. I read Dr. David Brownstein’s book on iodine.


Oh yeah.

Dr. Eric:

It’s interesting. You said usually you also don’t go real high doses, like 1mg usually.


Yeah, that’s not super high, compared to Dr. Brownstein, who was doing 50mg.

Dr. Eric:

Exactly. I think a maintenance dose is 12.5mg, according to Dr. Brownstein. Do you do a urinary test, or you just do it slow and see how they respond?


I always look at their thyroid numbers first, so we can know if we’re hyper or not. I obviously don’t diagnose or anything, but I just look. Then we have some signs: If you have nodules or cysts, or maybe you’re not sweating, or maybe your eyes aren’t tearing, we’ll just slowly start to add it in. Usually, I will get up to 1-2mg, but that’s also with them eating foods that contain iodine. I’ve seen such good results. Especially going back to the goiter, the nodules, the cysts, using that supplementation along with supporting that liver and doing those castor oil packs over the thyroid, it’s just a good combination. I have seen it work over and over.

Dr. Eric:

You gave a few reasons why someone might have a negative reaction to iodine, including liver congestion. On top of that, iodine competes with the other halides, like bromine. If someone has higher levels of bromine, for example, and they take iodine, you could have a detox reaction by excreting the bromine.

I didn’t expect you to talk about iodine, but I’m always interested in chatting about iodine. I am on the cautious side, like I said, but I am not overly cautious, where some will say don’t even give a multivitamin with iodine and avoid all foods with iodine.


Which I hear a lot. Any time I talk about iodine on social media or my sites or my email, people always come back, going, “Wait, I thought iodine was bad for the thyroid. I thought it was horrible if you had Hashimoto’s.” I hate that people think that because there are caveats. Yeah, for some people, you might need to pull back a little bit, but we need iodine for salivary glands, to be able to sweat, for the breast tissue, for so many things. It’s not just for the thyroid.

Dr. Eric:

Well said. Let’s go back to the castor oil packs. If you could talk about how can people use the castor oil pack, and where should they get the materials to put them together?


Like I was saying, the reasons that we could use them are for goiter, nodules, cysts, just to support your immune system. If you get sick, they are a great thing to have on hand because they raise your lymphocyte levels. They can be really helpful for your liver, especially if you struggle with migraines or are struggling with converting free T4 to free T3 or are constipated. There are lots of different ways to use it.

I personally am a fan of just buying a piece of cotton flannel. You usually have to order them online, or some small health food stores will carry that. Then a bottle of organic, hexane-free castor oil. Hexane-free is not hard to find; it says it on the label.

I know there are companies selling kits. It’s just a lot more expensive, so I don’t see why you need to spend more money on a pack like that. Get your cotton flannel and your castor oil.

I recommend a hot water bottle, an old towel. Now I’m not big on plastic, but a Ziploc bag. You take that piece of cotton flannel. You drizzle the castor oil on it. Then you lay down, and you put that over your liver. That’s on the right side under the ribcage. If you’re a woman, it goes up over the breast tissue. Men have breast tissue as well. But you know what I mean. Or it goes on the lower abdominal area, that’s totally fine. You have that cotton flannel there.

I put a Ziploc bag on top of that. Then I put an old towel. The reason I do this is because castor oil stains anything and everything. If you just put the old towel, then it will start seeping into the towel, and it gets everywhere. Having that Ziploc is a barrier. Some people have written in and said they want to use parchment paper. Great! You would need to use a new piece every time.

So you have the flannel, the Ziploc or some kind of barrier, the old towel, and on top of that, a hot water bottle. I prefer a hot water bottle over a heating pad, so you are not dealing with any electric currents or being exposed to that. Plus a hot water bottle is really nice to have on hand. If you don’t have one, they’re just nice, especially in the winter. If it’s cold, fill it up with hot water, and put it on your stomach. If you’re just having a day where you feel down, it’s very comforting to use a hot water bottle on your abdomen or something like that.

When you have the castor oil pack on you, just lay there for 45 minutes. Read, watch TV, whatever you want. Sleep. You can do 45 minutes to an hour. I know it’s trendy right now to sleep in it. But that’s really messy, first of all. It will get all over the place if you roll around.

Second, I have talked to some practitioners who’ve said if you keep it on for too long, then toxins could start coming out of the skin into the pack. You don’t want that. You just want the body to absorb it, and then you take it off. 45 minutes, and you just wipe it off, like whatever residual is on your abdomen, wipe it off with that old towel. That’s how you do it over the liver.

If you are going to do it over any other part of the body, let’s say the thyroid, because that’s our main area we’re talking about. Just cut a little rectangle off of that cotton flannel. That’s also why I don’t like to buy these packs that are a certain shape or size. You just want it to hover over this part of your neck where your thyroid is. There is enough warmth coming from your neck that you don’t need to use the hot water bottle. Just put that there, and a little towel. You just want to lay there with your head back. 10-15 minutes, the first time. If you have any kind of negative reaction, just stop, wipe it off, and it’s okay. Just means your thyroid is not ready. Then you do it over your liver for 45 minutes.

Dr. Eric:

How long can this person use the same castor oil pack? If they do it three times a week, or with the thyroid, they could use it daily if they wanted to.


6-9 months or so. If it starts to discolor or smell, switch it out. Usually, around 6-9 months, I just switch it out. I have never had one discolor or smell, but that’s the general rule of thumb. You can use it for a long time, which is really nice.

As I mentioned, it’s great to have on hand if you get sick. Maybe you have an infection in your lungs. You can use it over your lungs. I used to use those on my kids when they were sick all the time to help them recover.

Dr. Eric:

That’s interesting. I didn’t know that either. If you’re having any type of respiratory infection?


Yeah, they’re super gentle. Might as well.

Dr. Eric:

I’m going to ask you a question that you might not have an answer to.



Dr. Eric:

That’s fine. Or maybe you do. You mentioned that castor oil packs help to increase the lymphocytes. If you had a CBC (complete blood count) with differential, and the lymphocytes prior to doing anything with castor oil packs, were elevated, would that be a contraindication? Would you say they don’t want to do the castor oil pack?


I know that raises the T11. I guess you would have to know specifically- I feel like you’d need a little bit more detail. Maybe I don’t really know the answer.

Dr. Eric:



It’s pretty rare that I’d even see someone with high lymphocytes. All of my clients that are open to castor oil packs just do them. I have never had anybody have a negative reaction.

Dr. Eric:

I don’t see a lot of people with elevated lymphocytes. I have seen them over the years. What I do see a decent amount of is if you look at the CBC breakdown of white blood cell count, neutrophils ideally should be greater than lymphocytes. I will see frequently where lymphocytes are greater than neutrophils, but they are still within the reference range. I just wanted to pick your brain. It sounds like it’s probably not a big deal. You haven’t seen anything negative with someone in that situation.


No, I have never seen negative reactions, unless it’s like a little rash or something. Just stop doing them for a while. Let’s work on diet and sleep and other basic things, and then try them again.

Dr. Eric:

Sounds good. Is there anything else that I should have asked you about castor oil packs that I didn’t ask you? Anything else you think people should know?


When should they not be used? In general, if you are pregnant or nursing, you shouldn’t use them. Some people say it could be okay. If you are thinking about that, definitely talk to your practitioner. See what they have to say.

It is contraindicated if you have an IUD. It could cause extra copper to leach out if you have an IUD with copper. Or it could cause it to dislodge. Don’t use it then.

If you have internal bleeding, you don’t want to use a castor oil pack.

If you have Crohn’s or severe diarrhea, IBS, you need to be careful. Maybe just use them for 10 minutes over the abdomen.

Any time you have a kind of serious issue like that, always talk to your practitioner. A holistic practitioner might understand castor oil a little bit more and give you more guidance, but those are the situations where you wouldn’t want to be using it without talking to your practitioner first.

Dr. Eric:

There is a good chance if you went to your primary care doctor or an endocrinologist and asked them about castor oil packs, they probably wouldn’t have any idea.


Probably not. It’s always good to ask, I guess.

Dr. Eric:

It’s always good just to play it safe. If you’re not sure if you should take it, run it by your medical doctor, and see what they have to say. Just saying, chances are, they’re like, “I don’t know. I have never had anybody ask me that question. I’m not sure.” Just be prepared for that response.


Yeah. If you have an open wound, that’s probably self-explanatory. There are some situations.

In general, I have seen so many people be so helped by them. A lot of people tell me that it is really very relaxing. I don’t know if that’s just because it’s forcing you to sit down. I know that we live in a pretty hectic world, and a lot of us don’t really sit down.

I’ll just add to that that some of these kits that are sold are sold with the idea of Velcroing it to yourself, and you just go work. I think part of it is that you want to lay down. The body needs to be in that parasympathetic state to detox, heal, repair, rest, restore. I think it’s a good idea to not work on your computer. Allow yourself some time to sit and chill so that it can have better benefits for you.

Dr. Eric:

That’s good advice. Do you currently still use them on a regular basis?


Yeah. I’m in maintenance mode for my thyroid and immune system. I’ll generally do them once or twice a week. If I’m not feeling well, or sometimes we come in contact with toxins, I know the different symptoms that I can have if my body was exposed to something, so I need to help clear this out. Then I will do some extra packs that week.

Dr. Eric:

I know you also have a lot of experience with essential oils. I didn’t want to spend too much time on this; I wanted the focus to be on castor oil packs. If you could just discuss some of your favorite essential oils that relate to the thyroid or could support the immune system for those with Graves’ and Hashimoto’s.


I think the #1 thing when it comes to essential oils with thyroid disease is any oil that makes you feel more relaxed, that’s probably a good fit for you. The HPA axis balance, the adrenals, that’s really important. Helping your body shift into that rested state is really important. Diffusing whatever it is that you like is going to be beneficial.

When it comes to oils that are more specific for the immune system or thyroid, frankincense is the mother of all of them. It is amazing. Using that daily. Frankincense, using it topically instead of diffusing it, you will find more benefits.

Some of the other ones I like for the thyroid are myrrh. It’s been used for thousands of years. It contains properties in it which can erase or deprogram miswritten codes in cellular memory, which is cool.

Lemongrass is another one to really support the thyroid.

Basil is great for the adrenals. That endocrine system is all connected. I like to use oils that are going to support different parts of the body altogether.

Margarine helps support the spleen. The spleen is an important organ for the immune system when it comes to antibodies and white blood cells. It can be a good one to put in there.

I really like a blend. Hundreds of people have written back to me to tell me it’s helpful. It’s clove, frankincense, myrrh, lemongrass, basil, and margarine. I like to do 10 drops of each in a glass roller ball and then top it off with fractionated coconut oil. If you think that’s too potent, use fewer drops. Totally fine. Whatever you’re comfortable with. Another controversial topic we don’t need to get into. I find using it on the bottom of the feet or the spine is really helpful.

There are some people who have told me they have used it on their thyroid, their neck. Lemongrass, you can be more sensitive to some of those oils. For me, my skin on my neck and face is more sensitive. When I use stuff like that, I get a rash. I don’t like it. I can use it on my spine or the bottoms of my feet.

I have actually had women tell me they use this blend daily. I am not making any claims or anything. They use it daily, and after a few months, they were able to lower their thyroid medication. Wow, that’s cool. I don’t know what else they were doing. They could have also been pairing that with a lot of other things. I find it to be very beneficial.

If you’re just wanting to use some oils to help generally, then diffuse some that help you feel less stressed, whether it’s lavender. I love rose and magnolia and jasmine. I am very much a floral kind of a girl when it comes to those.

I don’t know if you have seen the dōTERRA Emotional Wheel. If you Google it. Let’s not Google it. The wheel is really cool because it has a bunch of emotions on the inside, and on the outside, it shows you different oils that correspond with those emotions. The first time I ever saw the wheel, I’m like, “No wonder I like the florals so much.” Those correspond with different emotions that I struggle with more. I just find that wheel very helpful, regardless of whatever brand you use. It could help you realize what kinds of oils might be best for you to help your system chill out.

Dr. Eric:

The essential oil blend you mentioned, that’s fine for people with Graves’/hyperthyroidism, too?


Yeah. Use it for everybody. If you’re sensitive, pull back. Use fewer drops. Do one swipe instead of three swipes. Everybody is different. You do have to figure out what works best for you. I have found that blend amazing across the board for people with thyroid issues.

Dr. Eric:

I know you said you didn’t want to go there as far as the controversy with the dosing. Is it because most will recommend one or two drops, and you mentioned 10 drops of each?


I feel like no matter what dosage I recommend, there is always somebody who says, “Why would you say that?” I feel like it’s up to you. I personally like the 10 drops of each. I like it when that roller ball blend is more potent. I personally find that that really helps me. Some people might be more sensitive, or their body doesn’t like it. They can use less.

Dr. Eric:

Like you said with going slow earlier, same thing could apply with castor oil packs. They could always try one or two drops. If they feel that’s working well, that’s great. If not, they can always try to increase the dosage.


Exactly. Slow is the name of the game. That should be our theme today.

Dr. Eric:

Yeah, that’s a good theme. Thanks for chatting about castor oil packs and a little bit about essential oils. Where can people find out more about you? I know the website is DeliciouslyOrganic.net. Also, you have a thyroid course. Do you want to talk about that?


Yeah, I have a thyroid course that I put together several years ago. It is a step-by-step program to help you understand the root cause of your disease, how to support your body. It has a 90-day protocol, meal plans, all of those things.

One thing the members love about the program is I do a Q&A session every single Wednesday. If you have questions as you go along, you have access to me, and you can ask those questions. You can check that out.

Also, you can find me on Instagram. I’m @CarrieVitt over there. I’m sharing recipes and thyroid tips and autoimmune tips. Whatever comes to mind each day is what I share.

Dr. Eric:

Wonderful. Carrie was also nice enough to give a coupon code for the course. Thank you so much, Carrie. It was really great chatting with you. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with regards to both castor oil packs and essential oils.


You’re welcome. Thanks for having me.