- Natural Endocrine Solutions Dr. Eric Osansky, DC, IFMCP - https://www.naturalendocrinesolutions.com -

The Relationship Between the Lymphatics and Thyroid Health with Kelly Kennedy

Recently, I interviewed Kelly Kennedy, and we talked about the importance of the lymphatic system for overall health. If you would prefer to listen to the interview you can access it by Clicking Here [1].

Dr. Eric Osansky: 

I am super excited to chat with Kelly Kennedy, as we are going to have a comprehensive discussion on the lymphatic system. Really excited. This is the first time I’m covering this, especially in this much detail. I’m sure others might have mentioned this briefly, but this is going to focus on lymphatics.

Kelly is the lymphatic queen. Very excited to chat with Kelly. Let me dive into her impressive bio here. Kelly Kennedy’s career in medicine started with a more allopathic approach, but changed after experiencing several traumatic events that made her realize that good health is more than just taking medications and undergoing surgeries. 

For the last 26 years, Kelly has dedicated her life to uncovering answers to healing through alternative therapies, including bioregulatory medicine, energy, and body work. Kelly is commonly referred to as the “lymph queen” and is passionate about spreading the importance and impact that one’s lymphatic system, fascia, energy, and emotions have on the whole body health. 

She resides in Pennsylvania with her husband Ian and son Silas, seeing clients at their clinic The True Wellness Center. You can also find her talking with experts in the field on the podcast FLOWE or on social media. FLOWE: stands for Fascia, Lymph, Oxygen, Water, and Energy. 

Thank you so much for joining us, Kelly. 

Kelly Kennedy: 

Thank you, Eric. That was quite the mouthful. There it all is. That’s who I am. Yep, that’s it. 

Dr. Eric:

That is a lot. Like I said, it’s an impressive bio. You’ve been doing this for a long time. If you could give a brief background. How did you start getting into lymphatics? How are you known as the lymph queen? Let’s talk about that.


Thank you. In listening to the bio again, because I don’t hear it that often—I wrote it many years ago—it all started really selfishly. My father had Hodgkin’s disease. I didn’t know that until I was seven. He had been dealing with it for nine years at that point. When I was told he had this, they told him he only had three months to live. Thank god my father lived until I was 20. He was a bit of a medical miracle in many ways.

Through that time period, somewhere along the lines, I started to want to be a doctor. I wanted to be a doctor because I didn’t want to get sick. I didn’t want chemo or radiation or anything I watched my dad go through. I thought selfishly, if I became a doctor, I could figure out how not to get cancer. 

Because this was in the ‘70s. Most people at that time, even today, we don’t know- Well, I could tell you all sorts of reasons why you have cancer. Back in the ‘70s, we had no idea why people got cancer. We didn’t know how to prevent it. We didn’t know anything. It felt like a very much loaded gun that was going to go off at my house. I had no idea if I was going to be on the other side of that gun. 

Three years ago, as we are recording this in 2023, when COVID hit, I felt like honestly, I hadn’t been doing my job. Three years after I was in a horrible car accident, after my father died, I was introduced through experience energetic vibrational healing, bioregulatory medicine. Literally my pain went away. I had been living on painkillers and muscle relaxers for three years. Now, all of a sudden, this new form of medicine I discovered, I was pain-free and drug-free. I got off my allergy medication, asthma medication. My cycles were regular. What the heck is going on? This is how the body really works. This is amazing. 

When I had come home from the hospital originally from that car accident, I got down on my hands and knees and prayed. I said, “If you really exist,” I didn’t know if I believed in a bigger source of God, whatever you want to call it. I was raised Catholic. I said, “If you exist, give me my life back, and I will be your best disciple.” 

For three years, I suffered. I went from doctor to doctor, different specialists. I went to reiki specialists and massage therapists and chiropractors and everybody under the sun in Ithaca, New York; Connecticut; NYC. Everybody managed my pain and told me to take more drugs and go to more support groups and stop doing all the things like climb trees and play volleyball and basketball and all the things I loved. 

When I had this spontaneous healing occur, the guy that was my facilitator, my practitioner, I asked him how he did it. He said, “Energy.” What? “Energy.” “What’s energy?” He was like, “Cool, huh?” What? This is 1996. I have a degree from Cornell in biology, and I’m thoroughly confused by what this guy’s talking about. He is completely satisfied with, “It’s energy. Cool, huh?” I said, “How do I keep it? How do I make sure this pain doesn’t come back?” He goes, “Just be.” Now, Eric, honestly, I was like, what the hell is this guy talking about? But I could not dispute how different I felt.

I started to wean myself off Vicodin and Flexeril. I got off my asthma medication and allergy medication. I kept coming back to his office and having appointments. We cleared out my allergies and asthma. If he can handle pain, he can handle all this other stuff.

Through that process of the next 5-6 years, I hung onto his coattails and was like, “I’m going to learn everything you know. I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. You seem so satisfied with talking about energy. I am going to start to learn.” 

I started to educate myself on vibration, frequency, and energy, and the terrain of the body, the spaces between the cells. I was introduced to this European approach of medicine in 2006 called bioregulatory medicine. It’s about the concepts of the heart rate variability, the autonomic nervous system, the fact that there is something inside us that heals, that there is nothing outside of us that heals. Right, Dr. Eric? It’s the innate wisdom within that heals. It’s our job as practitioners and as organisms, as people, to facilitate that part of our system to allow it to heal.

I was working with him as a practitioner. I started to be an advocate for this work. I just started to send everybody I knew to get this work. I started to work for the clinics that I was sending to, and essentially, I became a practitioner throughout those years, having the biology in my background. I really wanted to teach people what I knew, what I had experienced rather, was energy healed the body. I couldn’t explain it then. 

As I started to learn the medicine, I started to realize that the terrain, the spaces between the cells, is the structure that holds us together, which is the fascia in the lymph. This is 90% of the frontier if you will. The new frontier of the physical diet, the earth of the body is your fascia and lymph. Your bones are floating in it. They are suspended in the plasma, the fourth phase of water, known as your lymph. There is three times more of that lymph fluid than there is blood. Three times more lymph fluid than blood! 

What I started to realize as we worked with clients that couldn’t detoxify the chronically ill, the chronically pained. As we started to open up their lymphatics, because we had quantitative assessments showing us how jammed up their drainage was, their lymphatics, we started to see these people who could all of a sudden detoxify. They started to get their Circadian rhythm back. They weren’t dependent upon their supplements. Many things were going the right direction. All I did was facilitate the lymphatics. 

I started to look really smart. People were coming to the office. Oh my god, I ended all the emotional healing, the vibrational healing. I was getting out of the physical body. I was getting out of the tissues. 

As we continued to evolve this over the last 18 years in clinical practice, I started to see patterns as we do as scientists and started to see that there is a particular pattern that is blocking the lymph and fascia from modern-day living that is causing—I will call it a cage—a cage of our human body to close down, which limits the flow in the body of opening the body up to get oxygen to go everywhere, to get the water in the body, so energy can flow. 

Energy, which is what we all are. More than our physical bodies, we are an emotional, energetic being having a physical experience. We are 90% emotional, 10% physical. That emotional frequency part of us lives in this frequency fabric of the fascia and the lymph. If we shift that terrain, that environment, then the signals to the cells start to change, and the function of the organs starts to change. 

Now, we have results based upon working on the major drain and letting the body heal it, so I don’t have to be so smart. I don’t have to know all the ILs,  interleukins. I don’t have to know all the enzymatic actions of the body and how the mitochondria work. I do know that. I don’t need to know it because I know the only thing inside the body that heals is the autonomic nervous system, the sympathetic and parasympathetic. When we are affecting the lymphatics, enhancing the parasympathetic, we are allowing the body to open up the lymphatics, which is our drainage, our filters. We need to get those filters cleaned, so the cells can behave properly. 

There is your very long-winded answer of how I became the lymph queen.

Dr. Eric: 

That’s a great story. You mentioned vibration, frequency.  A lot of people think of that as being woo-woo. It sounds like you were there as well, when you first were given that explanation. You weren’t sold right away. How long did it take you- 

The one thing you mentioned, the reason why you believed it, is the results. You didn’t understand it, but you got great results. Over the years, same thing. Maybe initially, I don’t know if this was the case. Maybe you were like, “It was my experience,” but when referring others, you saw the results they got as well that made you believe. I don’t know how long it took you to believe everything that you mentioned. For some listening, it might seem far-fetched.


I’m glad you bring that up. You don’t know me. That’s good. I’m glad you brought that up. I want to speak to that because it’s a great point.

I was raised in a home to have a lot of faith. We prayed a lot when my dad was being given death sentences and hospitals. I didn’t know if I believed in anything, but I understood science. I grew up in upstate New York, hanging out in trees and on moss. I grew up working at a pet store and with farm animals. I understood nature, and I understood biology. It all made sense to me. Chemistry was my hardest class. Chemistry is the weed-out class for all premed programs. At Cornell, it was definitely the weed-out program. I was very interested in the science behind how this body works, how anatomy and physiology works. I was an athlete. 

Let me back up for a second and say what happened. When I was in a car accident, I lacerated the spleen. I had a 12-inch scar on my head; I was scalped. I lost two inches in height from being compressed in my vertebrae. It was all physical stuff. My father had chronic illness. He had Hodgkin’s and lymphomas and melanomas. I thought I would go into sports medicine and be the healthiest doctor on the planet. 

Then I was in this horrible car accident. Then I was told to manage my pain. “No, no, it’s just physical. Come on. It’s a scar. It’s some vertebrae and my spleen,” which never had to be lost. It was lacerated, and they watched it for three days. It was all good. It was a physical problem, but medicine had no answers. They could only manage it. Even though I was going to orthopedic specialists and neurologists, and they were showing me MRIs and my vertebrae compressed and all these pictures, and they were telling me that I was going to be in pain for the rest of my life and showing me why, there was a part of me, right here, that said, “I don’t believe them.” There’s just something in me that goes, “That can’t be true. I can’t just have to manage my pain as a 20-year-old collegiate rower who was in one car accident. Now you’re telling me to manage my pain the rest of my life. I don’t believe ya.” And I kept searching.

That’s why I went to different doctors. I thought maybe a different doctor will give me a different answer. I had been raised in a house where we went to different doctors for second and third opinions all the time. This was not uncommon for us because my father had cancer seven times. I have always questioned doctors. That’s just who I am. That’s always been my way. I was born that way. 

I just kept going, “So this is it? Vicodin and Flexeril the rest of my life? Birth control pills? This can’t be the answer.” Yet I was studying science at Cornell and premed and learning very black and white answers. “But there is more to this?”

Then I switched to pre-vet because veterinary medicine is much more preventative and involved with nutrition. I was still getting this degree, going, “I don’t think medicine has the answers because they’re medicating it, they’re radiating it, they’re chemoing it, they’re drugging it, they’re managing it. They’re not trying to get it to heal. I don’t understand this.” 

And it was truly through pure gut, heart desire of trying to find somebody with a different answer that had some sort of solution. I was in my third year at Cornell, and my friend said to me, “Why don’t you try a massage?” I snubbed my nose at him and said, “How is that going to help me?” I’m on Vicodin and Flexeril. On a scale of 1-10, I lived at a 12. I slept in a La-Z-boy chair. I could not sleep in a bed. I slept sitting up. I did all my homework in a massage chair, so I could be facing forward, so I could not have pressure on my back and type on my computer. I was managing my life. I wasn’t willing to do that. 

I watched my father do that, so I just kept searching. Then I went to a reiki specialist and hypnotist. I was eating frozen peas and raisins around campus because somebody told me it would help. It didn’t work by the way.

Here’s my point: I was very desperate, and I was willing to do what anybody said. I don’t know if I was dumb or naïve or desperate enough. I don’t know. When I had that one session and did a shift of my frequency by him realigning some energy in my body through vibration, because all of life is a vibration, and I experienced it. 

What I’m here to tell you is my whole family thought I joined a cult and kicked me out of my brother’s house. I did not talk to my mother for two years, my one brother for four years, and my other brother for seven. You could not have convinced me otherwise. It wasn’t a belief system. It was a knowing. It was an experience I had in my body. I don’t care who you were. You could never convince me this didn’t work. I was living it. 

All of a sudden, I was able to wean myself off of Vicodin in less than seven days. I never wanted to take Vicodin. The second I could stop taking it, I did. I did not understand what that man did to me, but I continued to search the science to understand, just like you’re saying. It seemed so frickin’ woo-woo, but I had an experience that I couldn’t disclaim. As I continued to search, he was like, “It’s energy.” That was all he needed, and I was like, what do you mean? 

As I continued to seek the science, the science was there. Then I saw live blood analysis. I do dark field analysis to this day where you prick a finger, look at the blood, and under a microscope with a specific condenser, so you are looking at the spaces between the cells. You can see this field. You can see the spaces between the cells. 

When I started to look at heart rate variability and contact regulation thermography, and realized there is a beautiful nomadic science quantitative assessment to assess this energy, the subtle body of which we are- I am a scientist. I am here to tell you that science and God are the same thing. If you really want to understand the universe, you need to understand numbers. I am not a math person. Never thought I was gonna be a math person or anything to do with dentistry. 

Here to tell you that what I’ve learned in the last 26 years is there are blockades to your nervous system, two of them: dental foci and scars on the physical body. You address those and allow the body to heal by enhancing its regulation, the sympathetic and parasympathetic. You do that best by opening up its drainage through the fascia and lymph and allowing the flow of the body to release the burdens, to release the toxicants, the pathogens, the emotion components, the things that are no longer serving you to be released from the system, allowing you to have more space and less of the burden to allow the circulation of those red blood cells to get everywhere and have the oxygen to get everywhere, to allow the energy to flow at the speed of light and sound. You are more sound and light vibrations than you are red blood cells. 

Dr. Eric: 

That was a lot of information. I want to talk to you of course about how you focus on the “flowe,” as you call it, but is it safe to say that most doctors neglect the lymph? I know I did for years. 

You mentioned toxicants and infections. Getting back to toxicants, when it comes to detoxification, most practitioners, myself included for years, let’s focus on the liver detox and not doing anything with lymphatics. 

Let’s talk more about lymph and lymphatics. Why is it important to support that and the liver? Maybe not even the liver. Maybe you’re just focusing on the lymphatics. There are a lot of practitioners out there just focusing on the liver, not doing anything at all for the lymphatics. 


The lymph is so underrated. You’re right. Medical doctors, unless they’re plastic surgeons, don’t know much about lymphatics because they don’t work in it. A lot of times, even oncologists, who probably know more than most outside of physical therapists and plastic surgeons, do a lot with lymphatics because they are always looking for the sentinel nodes and want to get the extra lymph nodes around. Every single human being has between 600 and 1,000 lymph nodes. We have vesicles that run between the lymph nodes. 

In medical school, they don’t even get one hour on the lymph system. I went to massage school about five years ago to get a license to touch the body. Since I had been doing it for 20 years, I thought that was a good idea. I was so excited about the section when we got to lymph. The cardiovascular system is cool. The respiratory system is cool. The circulatory system is cool. They were all 15-20 pages. We get to the lymph system. I almost fell off my chair. It’s four pages. 

You can’t live for one minute without your lymph system. You have three times more lymph than you do blood. 80% of your toxicants, pathogens, emotional component, all of the physicality of life is excreted from the body through your lymphatic system. 

Your lymph system has glands associated with it. Those glands are the tonsils. The thymus gland, which matures your T cells, which help you fight immunity. Your bone marrow, which matures your B cells, lymphocytes, which help with your immunity, is part of your lymphatic system. Your appendix, which Western medicine doesn’t know what it’s for, is to store your probiotics. Your small intestines, which is your first layer of digestion. Your liver creates 50% of your lymph fluid in your body. 20% of those lymph nodes are in your neck. What’s in the middle of your neck? Your thyroid. 50% of your lymph are in your gut. Most people with thyroid issues also have digestive disorders. 

So if 50% of the lymph is in my gut, and 20% is in my neck, 70% of my lymph is in these two areas. It is going to help me drain out my toxicants and pathogens. Yeah, I should know more about lymph. Shame on the medical community for not knowing more about the lymph.

But I’m not going to be upset anymore about going to a medical doctor and them not dispensing information about wellness. They are not a doctor of wellness; they are a doctor of medicine. They know medicine. 

If I showed up at Dr. Eric’s office and go, “Hey, can you tell me everything about ears, nose, and throat?” He’d be like, “No, but I can tell you everything about the skeletal system because I’m a chiropractor.” I don’t expect to go to the chiropractor and have him tell me about my endocrine system necessarily. He is a functional chiropractor, so he can tell you more about more things. But a strict, standard, straight chiropractor, I don’t want to talk to them about my endocrine organs because they don’t know. That’s not their training. That’s my point.

A medical doctor’s training is for medicine and surgery. Let’s stop getting upset at the medical community for not dispensing wellness information. 

Also, let’s make a little sense about the fact that our lymphatic system, our drainage capacity, our ability to let go of our toxicants, which keeps us well, which shifts our autonomic nervous system, which keeps it in regeneration, is something that allopathic Western medicine has never even looked at or researched: how longevity works. How to live a longer life. What they’re great at is cutting it out, medicating it, radiating it, and suppressing it. Let’s not be upset at them that that’s what they do. Let’s just start to look for other practitioners who know better and know other ways. 

Most body workers don’t even know about the lymphatic system. Chiropractic, did you learn anything about the lymph system in the chiropractic world? A little bit, yeah? 

Dr. Eric: 

If I did, I forgot about it. It was a very small amount.


Physical therapists do get a fair amount of training in their fifth year, but that’s about it. And oncologists. I knew about the lymph system since I was a little kid from my dad having lymphoma. When I started to learn about the lymph system, I knew people didn’t know about it because this was crazy.

Here’s how you know your lymph system is clogged: headaches, rashes, constipation, or diarrhea. Any kind of digestive disorders. Any kind of menstrual issues at all. Exhaustion. Irritability. Are there other symptoms that people deal with? Isn’t that all the symptoms pretty much? That’s how you know your lymph is sagged up. 

How do we get stagnant lymph? Sedentary lifestyle. If we don’t move, our lymph doesn’t move. Our lymph doesn’t have its own pumping mechanism. Our heart is known to have a pump. That’s how it’s understood in Western medicine. I could go off on that, but I won’t. Let’s just assume the heart has a pump. The lymph doesn’t have a pump. The lymph only moves when skeletal muscle moves, and when we breathe through our diaphragm and allow the diaphragm to expand and compress. That will stimulate the lymphatics. There is a lot of main drains. 

We talked about between 600-1,000 nodes. I’m going to teach you all today the 10 most important points in your lymph system. If you can address these nodes and manually start to stimulate these on your own at home, and you start to give your body self-care over health care, and you do this a couple of times a day, much like brushing your teeth and taking a shower, you will start to drain out your toxicants. You can do this to your children, to your elders. Every single person and animal has a lymphatic system.

By stimulating that lymphatic system, we allow us to drain out our toxicants. Now we allow the body, the autonomic nervous system, to have more space, less disruption, less interference, and more harmony to get out proper information, so the liver can function ideally, so the adrenals can function ideally. All of those organs are being signaled. The cells are being signaled from the space in which they live. That space in which they live is that lymphatic system. 

The top two points are right above our collarbones, our clavicles. They are called the termini. 25% of our entire body drains right here to our right termini. 75% of our body drains to our left termini. These are just superior, above the clavicle, between the collar bone and the ear, at the neck level, right here is where our lymph ends. When the lymph ends, it dumps into the cardiovascular system. The body circulates that. We are talking about toxicants, but it also circulates our gases and our nutrients, not just our waste. 

As it dumps into the cardiovascular system, and then we pee it out, poop it out, sweat it out, bleed it out because I contend that the prostate and ovaries are part of the lymphatic system. I’m waiting for science to prove me right. Prior to that, in the termini, all of the fluid, all of that interstitial space, you may have heard of it as extracellular matrix or the plasma or- What else do people call it? It has so many names. All this space, that fluid is collected in these ducts, these capillaries of the lymphatic system. Then as we move, it’s pumped down through the vesicles. It’s dumped into the cardiovascular system from there.

Our fluid in our body will go through a lymph node before it’s dumped into the cardiovascular system. Here’s why that’s so important. The lymph nodes are the level of the body where the immune system is identifying what the body is up against, what pathogens and toxicants, so it can properly address those by putting out the proper white blood cells. 

Think of them all as different robbers with different cops. If the body has seven robbers, I need seven cops to address those seven robbers. Those robbers are identified at the level of the lymph node. If the body can’t get the fluid to the lymph node, it can’t ever identify or properly address the right assault.

When you guys are all looking at your thyroid health, there is often antibodies involved and toxicity and burdens involved. The lymph nodes have to be opened to allow that fluid to get to them, so it can create the proper immune response. Then the body will let it go and come out. When it comes out, what we naturally see is a little blowing of my nose or coughing something up or a loose bowel or sweating a little bit more. Maybe you pee a little bit more. The toxicants are coming out as I am stimulating my lymph. 

The two most important points are these termini. The next two are your tonsils, the outside of the tonsils, the appendicular tonsils.

The fifth point is your cisterna, which is above your belly button. Between your ribcage and your belly button is a little node called your cisterna chyli. Your whole lower body drains through the cisterna chyli. Then it drains up to this left thoracic duct. I am talking about the deeper lymph nodes, not the superficial lymph fluid. Superficial lymph fluid moves with water sheds, which is a whole different scenario. We are talking about the deep lymph nodes, getting down to where the cobwebs are, the deep stores. Opening that up and letting fluid flow in there and watching the body move out the oldest of the burdens.

The sixth point is the inner elbow. The antecubital relates the autonomic nervous system. That’s another area for people to stimulate and pump. 

Eight and nine are right here. There is actually eleven. Eight and nine are what we call your apical nodes. It’s right where women who are wearing bras, where our bra strap would lay. Your entire armpit is going to drain up into this apical node. Your armpits are 10 and 11. Most of the drainage has to occur up here, and it has to happen where the ends open up because it’s a pressure gradient system. You have to open up and release the valve. Then the pressure can come down. The pressure can go up. 

What I teach on my website for free is how to do this sequence and the order of drainage, so you can get really good at doing this for 2-3 minutes at a time, a couple times a day, 12 times a day, doesn’t matter. As your body is releasing its toxicants, you will feel the increase in “I’m sleeping better. I’m pooping better. I don’t have as many headaches. My cycle’s better. My mood’s better. I just generally feel lighter and better.” I move more because the more we move, the more our lymph moves.

That’s only two questions. I am long-winded as you can tell.

Dr. Eric: 

That was amazing. You mentioned the sedentary lifestyle is the main reason why most people, if not everyone, has a lymphatic issue. It sounds like it’s more complex than just doing walking or homeopathy. Those could be effective, but probably not enough in most situations.


The reason I became the lymph queen is exactly that. In 2006, however many years ago that is, we started to get a lot of clients from all over the world who were stuck. They were working with other practitioners and hit a plateau, and they couldn’t get anywhere. They wanted a different way to look at it. Instead of doing integrative or functional, they looked at the regulation of the body, so they were sent to us.

We didn’t have a sign until three years ago. All of our clients were referred. We would start to see these clients, and I would see on this test that their lymph was stagnant. I would tell them to start dry brushing and get a rebounder and see a Vodder technique person. I would do a quantitative assessment on them a year later. No different. Nothing’s changed. Nothing is working. What the heck? 

Well, then I got introduced to this technology that was turning up the volume on lymphatic. It’s a handheld device that uses noble gases to create a vibrational shift for the lymph. It’s really strong. Looks like a light bulb. They are holding these light bulbs. I felt it in my body. I started to test it on my quantitative assessment, and I saw such a shift in lymphatics. The person was like, “I had to poop after that session.” They started to see clinical results. 

Then I went to the class. Desiree De Spong, from New Zealand, who has taught me a lot about lymphatics. She started to teach me about lymphatics in a different way because she started teaching about the deeper lymph nodes versus just the superficial lymph. Most of the things out there—the rebounding, homeopathy, Vodder technique—is all for the superficial lymph, not the deeper nodes. 

Think about the lymph nodes as the closets that are cobwebbed. You really want to clean your house? You have to get into that closet you haven’t been in for 10 months and deal with the cobwebs and what’s going on in there. 

What happens is because of the long-term sedentary lifestyle, because Wi-Fi also clogs your lymph and thickens it. Cow dairy thickens your lymph. Stress thickens your lymph. It creates a stuckness. Now that lymph can’t go anywhere, and nothing can get into that lymph node. The lymph fluid should be like water, but it gets thicker with sedentary lifestyle, stress, improper foods, improper lighting, tight fitting clothes, cow dairy. All these things thicken it. Instead of being thin fluid, it’s thick like jelly. Now, it doesn’t move. That person feels stuck. 

I then started to learn all these additional tools to turn up the volume, if you will, because I have been doing this for 26 years. What worked on our clients 20 years ago does not work anymore because of the burden that they’re under. 

My son is 10. He was born in our home. He only had anything organic touch his body, his lips for the first 4-5 years. He has lived a pretty clean lifestyle. But that kid’s burden, I’m freaked out sometimes when I do his hair mineral analysis. He’s full of metal and EBV because you’re living on the planet and going outside and breathing. He has aluminum and mercury. 

If I waited for there to be a problem, for the blood to turn over, that might be 40 years down the road with the way he has lived his life. I don’t want him to have to wait for that. So I keep moving his lymph. 

It gets a little lymph node, like when he first started preschool. You see that swelling in the neck and stimulate the lymph. Maybe he gets a little fever or a little diarrhea or a little nasal congestion to come out. That is the body getting rid of those toxicants, letting the body let go of those toxicants. 

What I realized when I started to turn up the volume and work people’s lymph in a deeper way on the lymph node level, and they started to get the clinical results that now they could take the Chlorella, the glutathione, the binder, and it wouldn’t make all their symptoms worse. They would actually start to feel better because there was drainage that occurred, not just detox. 

That’s what I’m here to educate people about. It’s not about your detox. It’s about your drainage. Your detox is only as good as your drainage. You have to start to learn to drain your lymphatics because this is the area of your body that is so stuck from the chronic way that we live our lives. When we start to move it, you’re going not only to move your toxicants out, but your body is going to start to move differently. 

Your fascia, which is the next layer of that frontier, which is holding it all together, is the connective tissue that surrounds every organ, tissue, and bone underneath your skin. Some people say the bones are just more dense connective tissue, more dense fascia. The fascia is the frequency fabric that is pulling all this information in, that is energy receiving signals and information from the universe around us, whether we are in a building with fake lighting or out in nature or sunlight, that is receiving that frequency and is able to make signals to those cells to then behave in a certain way. 

My point is that as an organism today, the flow state, the state of healing that we are designed to be in to deal with bacteria and viruses and mold and funguses. The immune system is designed to deal with these. 

The problem comes in because of the chemicals, all the man- and woman-made crap that we are throwing at it, which has affected our water and our food. All the non-foreseen radiation, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, microwave. It’s all beneficial. It’s how you’re seeing this today. But it also can be damaging if we don’t pay attention to it and minimize its effects on our organism, on our frequency.

As we open up that fascia, that lymph, we allow that oxygen to get everywhere. We structure that water. The energy can flow. This is how the body heals, and it stays in this regenerative tone, so that no matter what comes up against me, even if it’s COVID, I can address it. It doesn’t mean I’m not going to get sick, but I’m not going to be down for the count for days and weeks like so many people have, or potentially become fatal to it. 

My immune system is designed to deal with moldy buildings. I don’t want to live in a moldy building. If I’m living in a moldy building, then I should be able to allow my body to account for it. I’m going to take myself out of the environment because that’s dumb. I’m going to clean up the environment because that’s dumb. I should be able to manage it and compensate for it without illness taking me down. That’s wellness. It doesn’t mean we don’t get sick. It means that our body gets exposure, and we appropriately handled the exposure with excretion or fevers or rest or whatever is needed to allow that organism to actually raise its fight up and become stronger and more expanded. Now, we have bigger capacity to deal with more.

Dr. Eric: 

One question I have. You mentioned superficial lymph and deeper lymph nodes. Can people address the deeper nodes on their own? Do they need to see a practitioner? You mentioned the instruments. I don’t know if that’s something they can do on their own, or if they need to come see someone like you.


Good question. You definitely want to start this at home. You probably want to see a properly trained practitioner, which they are few and far between, to help facilitate, if you are dealing with anything chronic. If you’re not dealing with anything chronic, do this at home for the rest of your life.

My goal is to teach people how to take care of their bodies, so they’re not dependent upon a practitioner to be well. You’re never going to be able to do all the lymph and fascia work at home on your own because there are certain areas of your body you can’t address and touch in certain ways, so you will need a practitioner to assist.

But once you unstuck the whole body, you should be able to maintain it and keep it well at your home with your tools of whatever kind. I have lots of tools I use. Yes, this is a lymph tool. This is not another tool. It could be used for that if you want, but it’s a lymph tool called the Flow Vibe. It’s a biosonic vibrator that stimulates that same movement we talked about that I teach people to do with their manual hands. This can accomplish the same experience for that lymphatic to help them continue to open that up.

The point is in your home, you are not going to spend an hour and a half working all your body lymph. In a clinical setting, we are going to work your body up to an hour and a half to drain that out. You’re going to get more benefit in a clinical setting more than likely. But you need to do work before and after to get the most benefit from the clinical setting. Just like anything else, right?

Your clients who come to you, if they only wait for your in-person people, if they only wait and take action when they walk in your door for you to adjust their body and give them the right orientations for what they take and all that. If they don’t do any of that actionable stuff when they leave, if they don’t do the exercises, you will continue to maintain them. There will never be progress. Correct? 

Same exact thing. I can maintain you. I can even advance you if you were here for four or five days doing sessions. Remember my story about my 10-year-old? When he was seven, I looked at his blood for the first time ever, and I almost fell off my chair. How is he full of metal and EBV? He’s living his life. I worked my lymph more in the last three years than I have for 15 years because of the burden we’ve been under. 

Chem trails are real. I walk outside. They’re all over the place. Glyphosate is now airborne. I live in Pennsylvania. Third highest airborne level of mercury in the country. I live next to Jersey. You smell the air in Jersey? Come on. I’m walking outside, and I have a burden. I’m inside my home, and there is a Wi-Fi burden. I eat the most organic diet, and I’m still eating glyphosates.

The point is until we stop living in a toxic soup, we all have to learn how to address our lymph. For your community, they can go to my website TheTrueWellnessCenter.com. Over in the Learn tab, they can sign in by giving me their email. Yes, I will send you an email once a week and give you tips on flow for free. 

In addition, you will get a PDF and video to show you how to pump your lymph. What I recommend is you print the PDF out. You watch the video. Make notes on the PDF 5, 10, 15 times until you have memorized the sequence, and you have the proper touch, based upon the clinical results.

If for some reason you don’t feel like you want to do that, you can order a vibe. These are $85. I do teach a master class for $29 that you can have in addition to this where I teach you not only how to drain your face and typical 11 lymph nodes I told you about, but also how to drain your breasts. 

For those of you who are listening, as I know thyroid is Dr. Eric’s specialty, so I’m sure many of you are dealing with thyroid imbalances. I challenge you all to do your lymph 2-3 minutes in the morning, 2-3 minutes at night. Do it for three weeks, and send me an email. Let me know how you’re doing. 

I love those emails. Yes, I guess I have to work for money because that’s where I’m still at, but to be honest, what I work for are the stories. I love going out on other people’s podcasts and summits because I love the feedback of how simple this really is and how you can be in control of your own health. There is no freedom in healthcare until we learn how to care for ourselves, and we learn how our body works.

My husband just turned 65. What a racket. You’re forced to apply for Medicare. You have to. Otherwise, you’re fined. We get the Medicare thing in. The premium is twice as much as it is for our regular premium because we have such a high deductible because we never use insurance. What a racket. I’m tellin’ ya, he’s 65 and on a trip in India by himself right now. He is the youngest 65-year-old I know. He doesn’t attach his wellness, his health to an age. He attaches his wellness and health to how he lives his life and how he knows how his body works. He is drinking good water and eating high-quality food and breathing properly through his nose. And he’s happy. 

That’s where we get health. We don’t get it in pill boxes or from something outside of us. It’s all from within us. I don’t make a lot of promises, but I do promise this: When you start to enhance your lymphatics, you will feel different. Sometimes, those changes are, “Oh my gosh, I have a rash now, Kelly.” Are you moving it too fast? Are you not taking enough binders? Do you have enough drainage remedies to assist and facilitate? 

Whenever we stimulate our lymph, we are facilitating it. Now its job is to keep going. It’s like a domino effect, but it keeps going. You want it to keep moving. Our job is to open it and keep it going, so that you, like me, who turns 50 in a couple months, can feel better at 50 than I did at 23 by leaps and bounds. And more flexible in every single way because I can compensate better today for all the stress in my life, physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. 

I have put myself in a very stressful position by the way, just in all the things I do, the jobs I have, the amount of things I do, the amount of balls I juggle. I like to live a lot of life. I like to experience a lot of life. I have a lot of life to give back into experience and knowledge out there. That’s my mission: to give people an opportunity to realize you are free. You just have to learn how your body really works. You have the best physician and the best pharmacist right inside you. You just need to learn how to allow them to be the dominant force. The first place to do that is engage that parasympathetic system by enhancing your lymphatics. 

I pray today and can almost guarantee I have raised more questions than I’ve answered. My goal when I go out there and educate is get people to realize, “There is a whole system I’m not playing with that I don’t know anything about, and I need to learn how.” I hope this is a rabbit hole you dive down deep into and start to harness yourself with the ability to know you got this. You can do this. You can pump your lymph and drain your toxins out. 

You don’t need a practitioner to do it. You can certainly go to a practitioner and get a better enhancement, but you can do this at home. If you don’t have these, you can order this, and that will make you laugh, just to do that. If you laugh, you’ve enhanced your ability to heal that alone. I hope that helps your community, Dr. Eric.

Dr. Eric: 

I’m sure it will. It will help me, too. I will get the vibe. Very cost-effective. It’s $85. The master class is very reasonable at $29. I’m going to get that and sign up for the master class. 



Dr. Eric: 

I’ve just been supporting the superficial lymph nodes because I’ve been doing rebounding, dry brushing. I’ll be honest, I haven’t been doing that every single day. I do sauna more religiously than supporting lymphatics. Again, I need to do more. I’m looking forward to attending your master class as well. Thank you so much for sharing that resource as well as others. 


My absolute pleasure. I give you a lot of credit, Eric, because a lot of practitioners would not be so willing to share that. I, like you, just want to live the best, most optimized life and teach other people how to do it. I am willing to learn whatever I need to learn to get there. I hope and pray that you all are as courageous as your leader, Dr. Eric, in learning that while I might be doing some things, “Let me try this and just see what happens.” 

The puffiness that people have all over, that’s all lymphatic stagnancy. It’s not fat. You should have an armpit, not an arm puff. This area, I have noticed so much in the last year so many people are getting really puffy right in here. If you have any fluid retention anywhere in your body, you have a lymphatic stagnancy issue. You don’t have to have lymphedema. Start working those lymph nodes, and watch that fluid change. Watch, all the things now that you’re doing are going to be much more effective. I’m looking forward to hearing how that works for you, Eric. That’s going to be fun.

Dr. Eric: 

Same here. Looking forward to the patients’ experiences, and people who are not patients who are listeners to the podcast. Look forward to hearing some success stories. 

Thank you so much. You shared a lot of great information. Definitely one of these where I think everybody, including myself, has to go back and listen to it again.


Probably at slow speed. I normally listen to podcasts at 2x, except for my own. I know I talk fast. I know you have to take a lot of breaths. I appreciate all of you listening to this fully. I truly know that this lymph and fascia, this flow, is going to change your life. I look forward to hearing about it from each and every one of you. 

Thank you so much for the opportunity to speak to your community and spread the good news that we got this. We have our health care right inside us.

Dr. Eric: 

I agree. You’re welcome. Thanks for agreeing to be on the podcast. it was a pleasure chatting with you.