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Combining Natural Thyroid Treatment Methods With Conventional Treatment Protocols

Some people are hesitant to give natural thyroid treatment methods a try because they are concerned about discontinuing the prescription medication they are taking for their thyroid condition.  Being a holistic doctor I will never tell any patient to stop taking their prescription drugs.  I might tell someone my story about when I was diagnosed with an autoimmune thyroid disorder and then  personally decided not to take any anti-thyroid drugs.  But I will never tell anyone to stop taking their medication, as this is only a decision they can make on their own.

For those people who want to give natural thyroid treatment methods a try but at the same time want to continue taking their current medication, there is no rule that they can’t continue taking medication and still follow a natural treatment protocol.  Of course there might be some contraindications regarding certain supplements and herbs that normally would be recommended if they weren’t taking any prescription drugs, but any good natural endocrine doctor should be able to advise the patient what they can and cannot take while taking thyroid medication.

When I was diagnosed with Graves’ Disease, I had the option of taking anti-thyroid drugs and/or a beta blocker, and then beginning the natural thyroid treatment protocol.  Then once the symptoms were under control and I was following the natural treatment protocol for a few weeks I could have weaned myself off of the drugs, and then let the natural protocol take over.  This definitely was an option I considered, but I decided to not take the anti-thyroid drugs or beta blocker and just followed a natural treatment protocol alone, which turned out to be a great decision on my part.

What Is The Best Option For You?

As far as what you should do, once again, this is a decision that only you can make.  I will say that I think people with a hyperthyroid condition, including Graves’ Disease, are more at risk of not managing their symptoms immediately, and therefore might want to consider taking anti-thyroid drugs if their symptoms are severe.  So for someone who has a high pulse rate and severe palpitations, it might be a good idea to take the anti-thyroid drugs and a beta blocker, and then follow the natural treatment protocol while weaning themselves off of the drugs.  This again is just an option, as I’m not trying to recommend that anyone who has been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism make this choice.

As for those people with hypothyroidism, including Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, they can also choose to continue taking thyroid hormone while following a natural thyroid treatment protocol.  Some people will want to begin the natural protocol and be on it for a month or so, and then slowly wean themselves off.  This will give the natural thyroid treatment protocol sufficient time to kick in.   On the other hand, some people will choose to stop taking the thyroid hormone immediately upon beginning a natural thyroid protocol.  Once again, it all comes down to what’s most comfortable to you.   

It’s Best To Consult With Your Endocrinologist or General Medical Practitioner

Whenever someone with a thyroid condition consults with me and is taking prescription drugs, I always give them the different options they have, and then tell them that they should discuss these options with their endocrinologist or medical doctor.  Of course the main reason myself and other holistic doctors do this is to “cover our butts”, as any smart doctor will do this and then document this in their notes.  The last thing I want is for a patient to misunderstand me and think I recommended that they stop taking their medication, then not receive ideal results, and then blame me.  So to play it safe I always refer the patient back to their primary care physician just so it is known that it wasn’t myself who made the decision to stop taking any prescription drugs, which ultimately is true.

With that being said, I’m fully aware that most medical doctors, including most endocrinologists, won’t approve of any patient following a natural thyroid treatment protocol.  As a result, I let the patient know that while they should consult with their doctor about the different options they have, chances are their doctor won’t approve of them following such a protocol.  And a big reason for this is because they don’t have a strong knowledge about natural thyroid treatment methods, and most doctors don’t want to open their minds to these methods.  This of course doesn’t describe every medical doctor, as fortunately there are some holistic medical doctors that understand how safe and effective natural treatment methods can be. 

In any case, it is the person with the thyroid condition who needs to make this decision as to whether they should stop taking drugs, or continue taking drugs while following a natural thyroid treatment protocol.  Even if they speak with an endocrinologist or another medical doctor who is open to natural treatment methods, it ultimately is the patient who will make the decision.  The goal of the healthcare professional is to give the patient all of the information they need in order to make an informed decision, and not to make the actual decision for the patient.

Finally, as a reminder it is risky to self-treat your thyroid condition with natural supplements and herbs.  This is true under any situation, but especially if you are taking any type of prescription drugs.  So if you are thinking about combining natural thyroid treatment methods with conventional treatment protocols, please consult with a qualified healthcare professional to give you the guidance you need.  Doing this will not only decrease the risk of experiencing any negative side effects from combining natural supplements and herbs with prescription drugs, but will also greatly increase the likelihood of you receiving great results.

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