- Natural Endocrine Solutions Dr. Eric Osansky, DC, IFMCP - https://www.naturalendocrinesolutions.com -

Natural Hyperthyroid Restoration & Optimal Health Program Benefits-2023

Benefits of membership in this program:

1. 60-75-Minute Initial Consultation. You will have a 60-75-minute one-on-one phone, Zoom or Skype consultation** with Dr. Osansky, where he will discuss your health history, symptoms, diet, any medication and/or supplements you are currently taking. During this consultation he will make initial recommendations, including some dietary recommendations, any supplements you need to take, any additional tests you should obtain, etc.

2. 60-75-Minute Follow-up Case Review Consultation. This is when you and my functional diagnostic practitioner will get together and discuss the results of any additional tests I have recommended. While she will be the one reviewing the test results, based on the test results I will email you my feedback, which will include a specific natural treatment protocol for you to follow.

3. Nine additional 30-45 Minute Follow-up Consultations. You will also receive nine additional 30-45 minute one-on-one phone, Zoom or Skype consultations.  Five of those consults will be with Dr. Eric Osansky, while four will be with the FDN practitioner.

4. Monthly Group Coaching Calls. Each month Dr. Osansky will conduct two 60-90 minute group coaching calls, where he will discuss diet, stress management, and other important information, and he will answer any questions members may have. He will also record each webinar for those who are unable to attend them live.  Usually one of the calls take place on a Saturday at noon ET with the other taking place during the week at 8pm ET.

5. Up to eight Health Optimization Calls. You’ll get up to eight 30-45 minute one-on-one calls with one of my certified health coaches. What’s covered on these calls will differ from person to person, as many will receive dietary advice, some might want recipes and/or food substitutions, while others will want to focus more on stress management, and these calls also will help to hold you accountable. In between calls you can also contact the health coach with questions.

6. Learning and Resource Center. One of the main components of this members-only area monthly learning modules. Each month you will be emailed a monthly learning module, which will consist of at least three or four videos exclusive to members of this program. The videos will provide you with important information to further help restore your health back to normal. For your convenience they will also be available in audio and written format (as mp3s and a pdf) And if you don’t have a lot of time I created a summary video with action steps you can take with each module, and so if you prefer you can choose to just watch this single video every month, which usually is about 5 to 10 minutes long. In addition to the learning modules there will be handouts related to diet, including a sample meal plan, there is a list of natural household products and cosmetics I recommend, and many other resources to help you on your road to recovery. The learning and resource center is where you’ll be able to access the recordings of the group coaching calls.

**Note: All consultations will be over the phone or through Zoom or Skype. If someone prefers an in-person consultation for the first appointment there will be an additional charge. Please contact Kate at staff@naturalendocrinesolutions.com for additional details.