- Natural Endocrine Solutions Dr. Eric Osansky, DC, IFMCP - https://www.naturalendocrinesolutions.com -


Can Natural Thyroid Treatment Methods Cure Graves Disease and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis?  The Answer Below May Surprise You!

My name is Dr. Eric Osansky. I’m a chiropractic physician who was diagnosed with an autoimmune thyroid condition, and by following a specific natural treatment protocol I was able to restore my health back to normal. Over the years I have helped many other people with Graves’ Disease and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis accomplish the same thing. Don’t get me wrong, as it’s not an easy process, and so those who are looking for a quick and easy cure might as well stop reading this information now.

On the other hand, most people who are willing to take responsibility for their health will receive great benefits from following a natural treatment protocol.  Over the years I have helped numerous people with thyroid and autoimmune thyroid conditions, some of which you can read about on my “Testimonials” page.  Sometimes medication might be necessary to take on a temporary basis (i.e. Methimazole, PTU, Levothyroxine, etc.), while other times taking certain herbs can help to manage the symptoms.  Either way, the goal isn’t to rely on these drugs or herbs, but instead is to detect and correct the underlying cause of the problem.

Does Genetics Determine Whether Someone Develops These Conditions?

This is a common question people have, and although genetics does play a role in a development of these autoimmune thyroid disorders, not everyone who has a genetic marker for Graves’ Disease or Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis will develop these conditions.  And the reason is because certain factors will trigger an autoimmune response.  For example, someone with a genetic marker for an autoimmune thyroid condition who eats poorly or doesn’t do a good job of managing their stress will be more susceptible to triggering the genetics, thus leading to the development of thyroid antibodies.  In Graves’ Disease these thyroid antibodies will stimulate the TSH receptors, thus causing an excess production of thyroid hormone.  In Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, which is much more common, the thyroid antibodies will damage the thyroid gland, which over time will lead to a decrease in thyroid hormone.

Sometimes it can take months, and even years before symptoms develop.  It might even take time before the TSH and thyroid hormone levels are affected on the blood tests.  While many people reading this information are experiencing some of the common symptoms of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, others feel fine.  But until the autoimmune response is suppressed and the inflammation is under control, this can lead to many health issues.  Not only will it affect the thyroid gland, but it can affect other areas of the body, and potentially lead to other autoimmune conditions in the future if not addressed.

Can Following a Natural Treatment Protocol Restore YOUR Health Back To Normal?

Although not everyone can completely have their health restored back to normal, most people can benefit from following a natural treatment protocol, and there are three specific reasons why such a protocol can help to successfully restore your health back to normal:

Reason #1: Natural treatment methods do more than just manage the symptoms. The goal of an effective natural treatment protocol is to correct the underlying cause of the condition.  So while taking medication might be necessary on a temporary basis to help manage the symptoms, prescription drugs of course won’t do anything to address the immune system, as well as other compromised areas of the body.

Reason #2: The thyroid gland IS NOT the underlying cause of the problem. Both Graves’ Disease and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis are not thyroid conditions.  They are autoimmune conditions which affect the thyroid gland.  So while the thyroid gland is responsible for the hyperthyroid or hypothyroid symptoms, the problem is with the immune system.  So the ultimate goal is to suppress the autoimmune component, and then remove the factors which are triggering the autoimmune response and causing the inflammation.  The next goal is of course to help you continue to maintain your health.

Reason #3: The goal of an effective natural treatment protocol is to help you achieve overall optimal health. Besides focusing on the immune system, it’s also important to correct other factors that can be causing or contributing to your condition.  For example, if someone has compromised adrenal glands, then the goal is correct this problem.  If a mineral imbalance or heavy metal toxicity is the issue, then this needs to be addressed.

Natural Thyroid Treatment Methods, Hypothyroidism, & Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis:

If you have Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis or any other type of hypothyroidism, what would it mean to you to not have to take synthetic or natural thyroid hormone for the rest of your life, as most doctors recommend? How would it feel to stop gaining excess weight, to get quality sleep each night, and to bring your energy levels back to a normal level so that you can be active again and do the things you enjoy doing on a daily basis? I realize this might sound too good to be true, and once again admit that some people do need to take thyroid hormone for the rest of their life. But just remember that taking synthetic or natural thyroid hormone will do nothing for the underlying cause of your condition, as it will just control your symptoms (and in some people it doesn’t even do a good job of accomplishing this). So the goal of natural hypothyroid treatment methods is to find the underlying cause or causes of the condition, and ultimately try to restore your thyroid health back to normal.

Natural Thyroid Treatment Methods, Hyperthyroidism, & Graves’ Disease:

And if you have Graves’ Disease or a different hyperthyroid condition, like I personally was diagnosed with, how would it feel to not have to rely on prescription drugs such as Methimazole, PTU, or Propranolol to control your symptoms, or even worse, face the possibility of being treated with radioactive iodine and becoming hypothyroid for the rest of your life? Once again, symptom management can be very important for people with hyperthyroid conditions, and so I’m not suggesting for people with these conditions to abruptly stop taking their medication and begin a natural Graves Disease treatment protocol. But just as is the case with hypothyroid conditions, any prescription drugs you take for a hyperthyroid condition will do nothing to restore the normal function of your thyroid gland. So the goal of following a natural hyperthyroid treatment protocol is to detect and correct the underlying cause of the condition and help you to avoid radioactive iodine treatment.

To find out more about treating your thyroid or autoimmune thyroid condition naturally, I highly recommend reading the free guide entitled “The 6 Steps On How To Treat Graves’ and Hashimoto’s Disease Through Natural Methods”. This 46-page guide includes some valuable information and will reveal some of the benefits of receiving natural thyroid treatment methods for your condition, and will show you six steps on how to go about helping your condition naturally . So regardless of whether you are looking for a natural hyperthyroidism treatment approach, or a natural hypothyroidism treatment approach, this information will benefit you greatly. This free guide will also show you how to choose a natural doctor that focuses on endocrine disorders, should you decide to give natural treatment methods a try. And by the way, this guide consists of 100% pure content, and will not try to sell you anything. You can sign up for this free, no strings attached guide on the upper, right-hand side of this page. Just enter your name and email address, and we’ll send you an online copy right away.

Just to let you know, I hate spam just as much as anybody else, and therefore will never rent or sell your information. By requesting this free guide you will also receive a friendly email anytime I post new information to the website (usually a couple of times per week), and we’ll also put you on our natural thyroid health webinar notification list. Of course you can easily cancel your subscription at anytime, although I’m confident you’ll enjoy the information I present on natural thyroid health. So please get your free guide now, while it’s still on your mind, as it just might be the best course of action you take this year.

If you have Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis or any other type of hypothyroidism, what would it mean to you to not have to take synthetic or natural thyroid hormone for the rest of your life, as most doctors recommend?  How would it feel to stop gaining excess weight, to get quality sleep each night, and to bring your energy levels back to a normal level so that you can be active again and do the things you enjoy doing on a daily basis?  I realize this might sound too good to be true, and once again admit that some people do need to take thyroid hormone for the rest of their life. But just remember that taking synthetic or natural thyroid hormone will do nothing for the underlying cause of your condition, as it will just control your symptoms (and in some people it doesn’t even do a good job of accomplishing this). So the goal of natural hypothyroid treatment methods is to find the underlying cause or causes of the condition, and ultimately try to restore your thyroid health back to normal.